Photo by Cynthia Rand

I have seen some amazing moments watching young Owls fledge and try to navigate life outside their nests. But one of my favorite was when this little Barred Owl came up short trying to fly to a nearby tree. And it’s not what he did that makes this situation so memorable, but what his mother did.

She watched from a nearby branch as her fledgling hung upside down unable to pull himself up. The poor little guy was calling out in a panic as he was slowly spinning around holding on with one talon wrapped around a skinny branch. His mom knew that he could let go and he would fall down gently to the leaves below and be fine, but HE didn’t know that.

Wanting to help him out of his dilemma, Mom flew by giving him a gentle nudge to encourage him to let go. But he didn’t let go, he just kept clinging to the branch spinning around even faster after getting bumped. But this mother Owl wasn’t giving up, she flew by a second time nudging him again. This time he let go, and he fell to the ground safely! It wasn’t long before he scrambled back up a new tree and was ready to give flying another try.

I’ve really been impressed with the diligent and patient parenting I have seen in the bird and animal world.