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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • I guess ‘cool’ depends on personal interest and circumstances.

    A house move likely prevents running our Aussie Halloween this year, after being featured on State TV news last year, but I would like to share past family/friends efforts to establish a fun spooky celebration, in circumstances where locally there is not an established tradition, originating because my daughter in-law grew up in North Carolina and she and my eldest son moved here at the height of the pandemic, so I have adopted Halloween as a way to incorporate her fond childhood memories into our local family and local Aussie community traditions, with the help of family members and many talented friends: https://scarymandercove.au/

  • Mention is made of Resolve, which does work great as a professional grade video editor, and in the next breath codec issues are raised, which are not a Linux issue but proprietary licensing issue.

    For a simple workaround in Mint go to: /home/UserName/.local/share/nemo/scripts

    Create 2 files to convert videos from the right click menu and make them executable in the Permissions:


    for file; do ffmpeg -i “$file” -c:v dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_hq -pix_fmt yuv422p -c:a pcm_s16le -f mov “${file%.*}”.mov




    for file; do ffmpeg -i “$file” “${file}”.mp4


  • I will repeat what I have proffered before:

    If OpenAI stated that it is impossible to train leading AI models without using copyrighted material, then, unpopular as it may be, the preemptive pragmatic solution should be pretty obvious, enter into commercial arrangements for access to said copyrighted material.

    Claiming a failure to do so in circumstances where the subsequent commercial product directly competes in a market seems disingenuous at best, given what I assume is the purpose of copyrighted material, that being to set the terms under which public facing material can be used. Particularly if regurgitation of copyrighted material seems to exist in products inadequately developed to prevent such a simple and foreseeable situation.

    Yes I am aware of the USA concept of fair use, but the test of that should be manifestly reciprocal, for example would Meta allow what it did to MySpace, hack and allow easy user transfer, or Google with scraping Youtube.

    To me it seems Big Tech wants its cake and to eat it, where investor $$$ are used to corrupt open markets and undermine both fundamental democratic State social institutions, manipulate legal processes, and undermine basic consumer rights.