My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.

    1 year ago

    Hey google “phoenix stretch” for a great lower back pain relief.

    Also no shit your doctor does nothing. Our society has decided to task doctors with being the brunt of junkie interaction (instead of just legalizing drugs to let adults make their own choices, and let doctors focus on medicine, and cops focus on crime with victims).

    Even if you make it 100% clear that you are not seeking pain management but rather want to identify and fix the problem, they interpret it as a cover story for drug seeking.

    It’s horrific. Doctor refused to prescribe a scan for my knee once, because she thought I wanted pain meds. I told her “no I want to see what’s going on with my knee”.

    Here’s the facts:

    • I was skiing and fell. My knee made a popping sound as I fell. The ski was pointed backwards and didn’t come off
    • I was able to walk, but developed sharp pain on the inside back of my knee
    • my leg was wobbly and unstable. I could barely balance on it
    • my knee had a persistent sort of “hollow” feeling, which was exactly the same feeling I got in my wrist when I snapped a ligament in my wrist

    Based on that, she saw no reason for further diagnosis as obviously nothing was wrong. I could, after all, still walk albeit with pain and tons of tightness developing in my calf.

    Why? Because she thought the whole thing was a scam to get drugs. Using a scan to actually observe the knee tissues and see what was up, would have answered that question. But in her mind it wasn’t a question. She wasn’t thinking “Is this guy a drug seeker?”; she was thinking “This guy is a drug seeker”.

    Despite me saying again and again the pain was well within tolerable limits and I had no need to reduce the pain, and had no desire for any pain meds. I wasn’t the one to bring it up. I just started talking knee and immediately she’s like “I’m not giving you pain medication”.

    I said “fine. I’m not here for that. I want a scan to diagnose this”

    Anyway, can you tell I’m a little bitter about doctors?

    But it’s not their fault. The way our drug laws are structured, it funnels all of society’s junkies straight into their waiting rooms. Then they’re not spending their days practicing medicine, but rather counterespionage.