The bug-fixing continued this week with the aim of getting Plasma 6.0.3 into a great state. Already the big bugs you folks found have almost all been fixed, and this week a lot of time was spent on some X11 regressions and various crashes that our new automatic crash reporting system was able to find (thanks for submitting those! It really does help). A number of automated tests were also added, and finally some nice UI improvements to round things out. More exciting work is in progress too, but not quite ready to mention here!

    7 months ago

    Actually, it was ready for the stable version.
    The vast majority of the bugs reported by beta testers were fixed by the time the launch date rolled up. You just got unlucky where no beta testers had the same hardware configuration as you to test and discover bugs on.

    That’s the entire reason why the beta program is public, to get as many people as possible with a wide range of different hardware configurations to report as many bugs as possible in the early stages so they can fix them before launch.