They supposedly can be disabled in settings- but we all know that won’t last. They’re going full Microsoft Skype mode and it’s only a matter of time.

    3 months ago

    What do the Lemmings recommend as a replacement for discord?

    I’m happy to revert back to teamspeak if need be, I heard it’s app recently got an overhaul (or at the very least a facelift).

    I’m disgusted (though not shocked, I fucking called it years ago), that discord would go down this rabbit hole being that their main demographic is gamers. The stats are in, gamers (among every other living being) hates ads.

    In fact, I pay for YT music because I think it’s good value, but ive never once had YT premium, and I haven’t seen an ad on their site for close to a decade now. (Still no pihole, that’s likely next).

    To circle back, if possible Lemmings, I would like to find a discord replacement that my folks would be willing to install/try out. I’ve got a couple people who have said “hey man, find a better spot and we’ll tag along”, however I have yet to find a suitable replacement on my own time.