Not enough space for a stroller, had to walk in the middle of the street to go around the SUV.

    1 year ago

    Why not have it towed, or call bylaw to ticket it? The truck owner is inconvenienced, finds out why, and the sidewalk becomes usable again. Plus you get to feel better AND not act like the POS you want to see punished.

      1 year ago

      That’s a great solution if it works. I was explaining this in another comment, but in my side of the world the police very rarely issue tickets for this type of stuff. And mostly when you call them they’ll arrive in 30 min - 1 hour because it’s “not a priority”. Don’t get me started on having something stolen (it never gets solved and they call you in a few months or years to retract your complaint because they can’t solve it and it looks bad for them), or people being noisy at night or domestic violence complaints, where sometimes they’ll ticket you for calling because you’re “wasting their time” and “when they arrived there was no noise/sound of fighting/beating someone up”. Like, of course dumbass. It happened 30 minutes ago. You think the lady spent 30 minutes arguing after the first punch? Of course they’re quiet now.

      And I’d understand their delay if they were actually busy with hard crime. But this is a small European country. We don’t have guns. Out here a “gangster” will at most pull a knife on you, and then if they don’t have another 3-4 guys with them they’ll run with their tail between their legs if you pull a knife right back. This isn’t a country of hardened criminals who grew up with the fear of bullets piercing the walls from gangs fighting on the block. Being police here is just being on a semi-vacation until 45, when you retire. They’re doing fuck all, so when you ask them to actually do their job and not even prevent, but stop an ongoing crime - they would rather stop you from complaining instead.

      Sorry, I went on a tangent there. TL;DR: my experience with police is that they’re not helpful in these cases. I’ve learnt that the way you keep peace is by having superior firepower. Immediate physical violence or cost of fixing your vandalized asset are always better deterrents to being a prick than the potential outcome of maybe paying a few bucks, if some lazy assholes do their job, but probably walking away scot-free.

        1 year ago

        I think you have a vigilante justice fetish. Drop the comic books, pull up your big boy pants, and write a complaint letter to whoever in your city is in charge of the police.

          1 year ago

          For my city, that would be the mayor - he’s in charge of local police. He’s being investigated for illegally giving away some land to some friends, who then kicked back some $$. These investigations usually end by reaching the statute of limitations, at which point everyone is outraged at how bad the justice system works for the rest of the day. And then they move on.

          Under him would be the chief of police. He is being investigated for covering up sexual harassment in the police force, and for announcing the head of the local council that a search warrant will be executed at one of his illegal businesses.

          The two adjuncts to the chief of police ride through the city in an Audi and a Porsche. They also have several houses each. They make 20000 Euro a year. Their wives are a teacher (small salary) and a doctor in a state hospital (so low pay as well). For reference, since you don’t have the context of real estate prices - I make more than the adjuncts or their wives (on paper) and I’m not even close to being able to get enough money for a first apartment, let alone my 4th house. I must be a hater or something, cause for sure there’s no corruption involved.

          Sorry if it seems I have a vigilante justice boner. I’d be the first to enjoy a regular justice boner, if I had the luxury to be able to get one in these parts.