• Lileath@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Firstly it is called gender dysphoria and not dysmorphia and secondly they tried to medicate us or use conversion therapy but that only made the people that this was done to more depressed and possibly suicidal. If it was possible to “cure” being transgender without doing any harm to the people being treated I would be for it but as it is now, pretty much the only way to alleviate our dysphoria is to transition socially and medicinically.

    And for someone that says that they support our human rights you dont seem to give a shit about our bodily autonomy and I dont think that you hold cis people that underwent plastic surgery to the same standard as us.

    • turtlepower@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Sorry I got dysphoria mixed up. I didn’t know that trying to fix things mentally made things worse. Maybe they just haven’t figured it out yet. I hope they do, because I’d love to see people happy without having to harm themselves physically.

      As far as bodily autonomy, there are still limits to that. If there weren’t, why can’t we smoke/drink/poison ourselves however we want? Why is it illegal to try to kill myself and (most) people try to stop me?

      And I’m glad you brought up plastic surgery, because I don’t agree with that, either. Yeah, if someone needs it because of some tragedy that befell them like they were burned or disfigured, then by all means, try to fix it. But those nutters that try to literally look like Barbie or that guy that tried to look like Beckham…just…no. If you’re “ugly”, be “ugly”. Commercial beauty is what’s truly ugly.

      • UnculturedSwine@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        So, I appreciate that you seem to genuinely want to understand trans people. You should keep in mind that being trans means different things to different trans people and not everyone’s journey is going to be the same. The reason that we give gender affirming treatment and are supportive of trans people when they go through transition is because it leads to the best mental health outcomes. This doesn’t even involve surgery most of the time. If you accept homosexual people as they are, would it really be such a stretch to do the same for trans people? They just want to live life without their very existence being constantly questioned. If you meet a trans person, you might be surprised how kind and genuine they can be.

        • turtlepower@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I think a lot of my problem comes from the masses of people that for them it’s, well, essentially a form of cosplay. I know that may not be the best way to describe it, but I hope it helps at least somewhat convey what I’m trying to say. It’s like those girls that pretend to be bi for attention but they eat pussy like it’s going to bite back or something. Or people that pretend to have a mental illness to feel special. I’m just sick and fucking tired of it being forced on everyone. By that I mean that I have had trans people try to convince me that I am trans, or should be. I know not all trans people are like that, but those way-too-vocal minorities are fucking it up for the real trans people. As for questioning their existence, I’ve never done that. They exist, same as anyone else. I have worked with them. I’ve had friends that are. (I say had because I don’t keep in touch with anyone that isn’t in my immediate area, trans or not.) I’ve helped them as customers at my job, with the same level of service as anyone else- I treat people based on whether or not they are an asshole. Nothing more, nothing less.

      • Lileath@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        1 year ago

        Why do you consider medical transition as harmful anyway? Most of the operations have no significant risks and you get well informed before even getting the chance of having them performed and they usually have a much higher satisfaction rate than other medicinically necessary surgeries like knee replacements etc. And if you want to use some “but think of the children” bullshit, assuming you live in either the USA or the EU, they get puberty blockers at most, which are also in use for several other things and proven to be rather safe, and then when they get older they finally get access to real HRT which also doesnt pose much risk to their health since several years as long as they take the right supplements alongside it as with a lot of medicinic therapies.

        And suicide is actually legal in a lot of countries fyi