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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • Comcast has finally gotten around to giving hosts inside the firewall publicly routable IPv6 addresses, but port forwarding (which, by the way, can only be done through Xfinity’s website or mobile app which then connect to and configure the router through the ISP interface – if you go to the port forward configuration in the router’s webui, all you’ll see is a message that it’s now “easier than ever” to configure port forwards) can only happen on IPv4. Want to open a hole in the IPv6 firewall? Well that’s just too fucken bad.

  • love the mission and the message, but if i know anything about how things like this go, what it is, is about to die

    EDIT: yeah, their about page says they “filter out generative AI images” without even mentioning how. never mind that with the rate the AI field is advancing, no algorithm for doing that works for more than a couple of months. no word at all on how or even if the photos users upload are going to be protected from scraping.

    i hate to be a cynic, i do, and i can’t wait for this to age poorly but $20 says the website won’t even last a year