Grand theft auto. Mainly San Andreas and Vice city.
I kinda would like him at my dinner table. That way I could slap him in the face.
Dans mon expérience, en Paris ils’installe un système irrégulière de bouchons pour faire ralentir les voitures.
I have the exact same setup
What helps with this is clicking links with mousewheeldown, I automatically opens in a new tab. Also MWD on the tab label will close it, so you don’t have to aim for the ‘x’.
A mouse with thumb buttons is really handy as they do foreward and back, double clicking that gets you out of the issue caused in op
Get out Theseus!
No worries. Somehow I use it quite often nowadays
This is funny as the first punch card program was designed to automate looms:
This right here. We need to do the right thing over and over again, because once it passes it’s done.
Maps is indeed the odd one out. I’m trying to switch to magic earth, but it’s not as good yet.
I’d like to see the answer to this
It can not work properly in the wrong way though
South America’s reach is incredible, compared to size that is
You make a good point for anonymity of the votes
Un institution français fait dénoncer des chèques?
C’est quelle année?
Maintenant faut changer ça dans des super marchés, j’attends tellement pour une veille en écrivant ‘la temps perdu’ dans son livre des chèques.