It’s spent like a decade in a rainy landfill in Wales.
Even if he finds it, it’s fucked.
It’s spent like a decade in a rainy landfill in Wales.
Even if he finds it, it’s fucked.
Video showing ads on dashboard.
Video itself starts with a QR code ad embedded into it. And it’s on Youtube so who knows how many ads I skipped with uBlock…
Sure, it’s like JPG.
It may not be the newest or best compression ratio, but it works, and even the shittiest old hardware supports it. And I know it won’t whine about licences being missing or some shit.
Plus there’s the electronic opening mechanisms that fail in the event of a fire. This is on most Teslas iirc. Even if the doors are intact, you’re stuck.
There’s ways to open them, but good luck with this shit when you’re concussed from an accident, and sat in a burning vehicle.
Top of the line in utility sports.
Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts.
Yeah, I know. I was on 30Mbps. Took like 5 minutes to download a gigabyte. Now it takes around 10 seconds.
But most video streaming sites are well below that, and web pages are a few MB tops. The only noticeable difference is when doing larger downloads.
I’d guess because they already had a protective layer in the plastic they’re made from. At least enough to protect during actual use, and not infants scattering them all over the floor.
I can’t say I’ve ever lost a disc to physical damage.
Yeah, I was on that until the other week, when my area finally got upgraded to 1Gbps.
It’s nice for big downloads (and with game sizes what they are now, that bit is a big difference), but for regular use? Not really a vast change. It’s nice that your bandwidth doesn’t suddenly vanish when one of your unattended devices decides to wake up and download a 20GB update for a game you haven’t played in months I guess.
Big Brother needs bandwidth to watch you in 4K.
We’d use Branston beans, but not gonna lie that looks shit hot. Would scran with a bottle of 8% cider.
Wake up babe, new Ad Block just dropped.
I’m sure I’ve seen them with the side panel showing the route the bus was travelling on.
No surprise that they eventually gave that up for ad money.
Next step will be to have that screen in colour and animated. And speakers.
But what does Ja Rule think?
I doubt latency would be an issue.
More the fact that they’ll be juggling too many at once.
☑️ I don’t disagree to not disable the disability of Facebook to not share my conversations with 4721 untrusted data unpartners"
Ah, but you’ve forgotten the real money maker.
Turns out it’s much cheaper to buy governments than it is to perfect self driving technology.
I only wanted it for a Jellyfin drive. The one thing it could have been useful for and it even failed at that.
Seems like you need to pay the extra for an Ironwolf drive to get an actual “just like the good old days” HDD.
I had to send a Barracuda drive back recently.
“It’s fine” said Seagate’s SMART analysis tools.
“Clunk clunk clunk clonk” said the HDD.
I know which of those results I trusted more.
His voters seem to think it’s Taiwan that pays the tariffs.
Doubt it. Wind around buildings tends to be shit.
There’s a reason they build turbines on hilltops and out at sea.