• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Literally just yesterday I posted about it in my family’s political group chat and my older sister said, and I quote:

    “even though I lean left, I’m actually glad that conservatives have a playbook! Why? because Trump’s first term presidential transition (2017) was totally bungled… he needs a list of people that he can appoint from, so that these agencies don’t just fall apart… Don’t kid yourself, Biden’s team and Obama’s team and the democrats overall definitely have their own playbook and their list of potential appointees. They just don’t have to crowdsource theirs!”

    cue insane Charlie Kelly screams

  • Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user’s account.

    Just like how Microsoft domain-bound emails were stored locally on machines running Outlook, right? Or how purchasing and downloading music, movies, and video games meant that we owned them, right?

    I don’t believe for a fucking second that this “feature” will remain locally encrypted forever. Fuck Microsoft, fuck the AI bubble.

    “Don’t be evil!

    wait, you say you’ll pay me to be evil? Well fuck that changes everything!”

  • Slightly off-topic but I really enjoyed the way Horizon Zero Dawn (spoilers ahead) illustrated the military industrial complex with Ted Faro. The dude was so convinced he was right about everything that not only did he help create the deadliest legion of machines ever conceived, he also deleted all knowledge acquired by humanity because he fucked up so bad that he thought anyone less smart than him (read:everyone else) would fuck up just as bad if not worse with the same knowledge. I imagine most real military contractors are lead by people who are similarly humble

  • I agree it’s a minor irritation by most standards, but when all that’s on the line is making jokes about someone based on their choice of phone there’s no reason not to pressure someone else. As to sources, I see it happen all the time. I used to be the one who upset people, then I bought an iPhone and almost everyone I texted got really excited to see the color of our chat change. I’ve also seen countless memes about green chat bubbles and people ruining group chats because of their Androids. I’m not sure you’re going to get much more reliable sources than anecdotal ones for something like this.