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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I feel like that’s the same underlying issue: The requirements are not understood upfront.

    Actually on most of these failed projects the requirements of the original customer were pretty clear. But the developers tried to go far beyond those original requirements. It is fair to say that the future requirements were not well understood.

    the alternative is building a prototype, which you’re allowed to throw away afterwards

    Lol I’ve done many prototypes. The problem is that management sees them and says “oh, so we’re finished with the project already? Yay!”

  • I (white boy) visited India in the early '90s and brought back a bunch of rolls of half-Rupee coins as souvenirs. Turns out they were the exact same weight and diameter as US quarters (even down to the number of ridges, which makes me suspect India bought a bunch of used US minting machines to make them), so I started using them at laundromats. The exchange rate at the time was 35 Rs to the dollar, so a load in the US that normally cost $1 was costing me less than 6 cents. I do feel bad for the harassment that actual Indian customers probably ended up receiving, although possibly the owners never noticed or cared.

  • There’s something I don’t understand that maybe other unicycle riders can explain to me. I can ride a unicycle and I can even juggle while riding one, but I cannot go more than 200 feet or so before my thighs completely burn out and I fall over. How do people use these things as actual forms of transportation?

  • My small tech company (which I really liked working for) had < 100 employees. We struggled through a few near-death experiences because of slow sales and panic from our original investors, then we got saved for a few years after being purchased by a larger company (with around 1000 employees). Then that larger company (a small player in the networking equipment genre) got bought by probably the largest player in that space, and within six months everybody from the 1000-person company (excepting a few c-suite types) were laid off - the company had only been acquired in order to eliminate a very minor competitor. There is no safety in small.

  • I dunno, I was a wake-and-baker for thirty years and never had dreams at all. I quit completely about three years ago and now I have vivid dreams all the time. I actually don’t like this aspect of sobriety very much - the dreams aren’t nightmares or anything but they’re a lot more intense than I would like them to be.

  • I found one local house for $70K that had a huge number of problems, like cracks and rust showing through the stucco exterior, broken fascia boards, upstairs that was only 6’ high, stairway that came up into the upstairs bathroom etc. etc. (the house dated from around 1850 or so). I passed on it, but I was surprised to see that it sold just a few days later, and even more surprised when it was re-listed less than two months later for $195K. I went to see it again and it was a classic lipstick-on-a-pig flip: just grey paint and those nasty grey fake wood vinyl floor planks everywhere. I’ve never been so flat out offended by a flip before - and the thing sold almost immediately for the asking price. I feel sorry for the schmucks who bought that thing, although they probably turned around and sold it for $300K.