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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

    I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

    And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlwhat
    10 months ago

    If you haven’t tried the Enzyme supplement Fodzyme I can’t recommend it enough.

    Ever since I started using it I can (mostly) freely eat foods with garlic and onions as well as a host of other things.

    It doesn’t work on everything, but I have been ordering it since April and I am no longer reading every label on everything to avoid being sick.

    Everyone is different so there’s no guarantees on what will work for you, but I’ve been telling everyone about it (mostly because people always ask what I’m sprinkling on nearly everything I eat).

    I get the brown jar because the individual pouches are a rip off, but it’s less of an investment if you want to try!

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlChoose wisely
    11 months ago

    I’m clearly not understanding this platform as well as I thought, I should probably watch a video or something!

    The memes and boobs are great, but I’d love to get more reliable news and local information, seems like every Canadian one dies or is unpopular (fair enough given the limited user base which is still kind of nice)

    And the news + politics seems to crash, but that’s because I’m still using .World …I think?

  • Reddit is fun croaked for me last week, now I’m all Lemmy!

    Unless lemmy crashes, then I lurk reddit signed out with browser.

    As the crashes and maintenance here become less frequent and the platform is more reliable I’m ready to leave reddit in the dust entirely

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMr. Spock is an elf 🖖
    11 months ago

    I’m okay with him being mocked with his own meme format, this doesn’t quite hit that note though

    “I’m a terrible human funded by other terrible humans : change my mind” is the way this meme should be used going forward.

    It’s no longer a useful meme for social commentary, and should really only be applicable when discussing how much of a piece of shit this human turd is.

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlactual advice
    1 year ago

    I love the memes and shitposts. They’re lighthearted and fun, and entertaining. I’m not here looking for reddit news with less comment traffic, I’m here for the atmosphere and the community.

    Just talking to/with real people is a huge plus, getting genuine opinions, good faith opinion/discourse, with little divisive content, and the “big” news hits my all feed just fine.

    There’s plenty of avenues available to find conflict, controversy, drama, and walls of opinion to engage and enrage with elsewhere.

    This place feels like a community where everyone is at least somewhat vested in contributing and making things better/more enjoyable for all, and in my opinion it doesn’t need to change or accomplish anything else

  • My back has been sore for a while, and I was always ‘rounding’ it to try and stretch it out (child’s pose, touch my toes, bath with Epsom salt, rolling on my back with my knees tucked into my chest etc)

    What really helped relieve tension was doing the opposite, and forcing my butt/hips backwards. Basically, enhancing the dip in my lower back by either using my hips or my shoulders.

    Like, standing captain Morgan style (one leg up on stable coffee table, or bathtub) and lifting your arms up and leaning back while also pushing your hips back and stomache out. This should be a gentle stretch! Obviously don’t do anything painful and listen to your body, but bending (flexing?) backwards has helped my back where bending forwards just made everything worse.

    Try and maintain this shape when bending down, not just stretching, maintaining a straight back when bending over has helped a lot with both keeping tension away and being aware of my back form.

    Basically, try to keep the shape in the second image (DON’T LIFT IF YOUR BACK IS SORE). When I stretch like this I’m generally standing straight and not bent over. this pic is just the general shape you want to maintain and ‘exaggerate’ while stretching.

    Also, use ice packs and not heat to relax tight muscles.

    It’s Kind of hard to explain, but the tension in my back went waaaaay down the next day, and has been significantly better since.

    If it helps, I don’t go to the gym or anything, by back pain is born of mild sloth lifestyle, bad stretching, and poor form bending over.

  • It’s nice having a place where people can (fake) argue about beans and insignificant things, post fire memes, and do some classic old Internet banter.

    It feels like I’m at an early 2000’s Lan party, and the worst person you’d come across is helpful, but kind of a dick about it.

    Hopefully it stays that way, the relative lack of structure is pretty magical since almost everyone seems to be genuine about using this place to be hilarious.

    Every time there is a dig>reddit>lemmy progression, the beginning phase is generally the same tone and atmosphere, because it’s the same people who are continually forced to move when the old place gets overrun by special interest nonsense.

    It’s barely been a week and the spirit of message boards that everyone loved about reddit has already rooted in Lemmy. I’d happily pay for a subscription to keep this place rooted in its current culture.

    Reddit has been past it’s prime for several years now for a lot of people who were missing exactly what is happening here