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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • So you’re annoyed that someone (who took the time to go to a charity shop, list the book online, and ship it to you) charged you the RRP for the book, that you didn’t have to buy from them?

    I hope you have the same kind of energy for when mega-corporations charge anything from tens to thousands of pounds for products that often cost single pounds or even pennies to manufacture (due to underpaying for labour and materials that were in turn manufactured by underpaid labour as well), and the snowballing impact they have on the rest of the economy (by pricing out smaller companies, monopolising industries, avoiding tax, and so on).

    The person you bought this from likely works for themsleves, trolling charity shops all day for bargains, and almost certainly pays tax on their income. I’m as anti-capitalist as they get, but even I can’t take issue with this. If they had charged you more than the RRP, sure, that’d pushing it, but if you didn’t want to pay full price, you should have spent your own time looking for the bargain. ¯\(ツ)

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlWorst day
    3 months ago

    Before digital computers existed, humans were the computers! (first referenced as an occupation in 1613)

    Skills are transferable, though there definitely are many cases where people aren’t able to access the tools and education they might need to make the most of their talents because of lack of privilege and systemic oppression (which basically means facing more obstacles to gain access to the same tools and education as the most privileged get handed to them).

    So when you were born definitely matters, but so does where, to who, what gender you were assigned at birth, how abled or disabled you are, and so on and so on…

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlborders
    4 months ago

    They didn’t just create the borders, but also actively pitted the different local groups in each region, all over the globe, against each other to keep them from joining forces against the colonisers and imperialists, so very deliberate war mongering.

    Similar tactics are used today in the form of “culture wars” and institutional and systemic bigotry - we (the working class, the majority of the population) are divided and pitted against each other by those who want to keep us from joining forces and turning on them.

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mltwo party system is a scam
    4 months ago

    “Look at how well the democrats allow the capitalists to treat me as they ensure they can continue to exploit my labour for their own profit uninterrupted!!11”

    (seriously - start by looking at those companies profit margins for a tip of the iceberg idea of just how much they are making off of your labour before you do a happy dance over a couple of dollars more they’re willing to throw your way to keep you from demanding actual freedom)

    But yeah, keep harping on about how represented you are in the sham they call electoral politics…

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mltwo party system is a scam
    4 months ago

    Lmmfao, so you’re against minimum wage claiming it’s a non-solution (and also that some workers must gain further education to even “deserve” it) while advocating UBI, which is a solution on the exact same level as minimum wage is - the level that still allows capitalists to exploit the labour of others for profit (except with UBI, it is the government compensating them from the tax pot, either way, it’s working people paying the highest price - freedom).

    Never mind that the meme doesn’t offer it up as a solution to anything, but more of a bare minimum that neither democrats nor republicans will give, because, and this is the point the meme is actually making which seems to have gone completely over your head - both democrats and republicans work for capitalism, not you.

    Truth is, you’re just here to flex your “economist” muscles, but instead you’re just spewing clueless yet confident incorrectness all over the place… 😂