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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I believe google hangouts and xmpp would like to have a word with you. There was probably a universe where federated xmpp was as ubiquitous as sms, but in this universe, google federated, brought users over with cool features, and then defederated when they had all the users.

    If you want another example from the same company in modern times, look at chrome and http/css/js. Google’s chokehold on the web ecosystem with chrome means that whatever they do, everyone else has to follow suit or not be compatible with the browser that something like ~75-90% of users use

  • Dran@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHello GPT-4o
    2 months ago

    I have this running at home on a used r630 (CPU only). oobabooga/automatic1111 for LLM/SD backends, vosk + mimic3 for tts/stt. A little bit of custom python to tie it all together. I certainly don’t have latency as low as theirs, but it’s definitely conversational when my sentences are short enough.

  • I have condensed almost all of my workflows into pure bash scripts that will run on anything from bare metal to a vm to a docker container (to set up and/or run an environment). My dockerfiles mostly just run bash scripts to set up environments, and then run functions within the same bash scripts to do whatever things they need to do. That process is automated by the bash scripts that built my main host. For the very few workflows I have that aren’t quite as appropriate for straight docker (wireguard for example) I use libvirt to automate building and running virtual machines as if they were ephemeral containers. Once the abstraction between container and vm is standardized in bash, the automation doesn’t really need to care which is which, it just calls start/stop functions that change based on what the underlying tech is. Because of that, I can have the canary system build and run containers/vms in a sandbox, run unit tests, and return whether or not they passed. It does that via cron once a week and then supplants all the running containers with the canary versions once unit tests pass.

    Basically I got sick of reinventing the wheel every time a new technology came out and eventually boiled everything down into bash so that it’ll run on anything it needs to. Maybe podman in userland becomes the new hotness next year, or maybe I run a full fat k8s like I do at work. Pure bash lets me have control over everything, see how everything goes together, and make minor modifications to accommodate anything I need it to.

    It sounds more complicated than it really is, It took me like a week of evenings to write and it’s worked flawlessly for almost a year now. I also really really really hate clicking things by hand lol, so I automate anything I can. Since switching off proxmox, this is the first environment that I have entirely automated from bare-metal to fully running in a single command.

    I’m incredibly lazy; it’s one of my best qualities.

  • Virtual machines also exist. I once got bit by a proxmox upgrade, so I built a proxmox vm on that proxmox host, mirroring my physical setup, that ran a debian vm inside of the paravirtualized proxmox instance. They were set to canary upgrade a day before my bare-metal host. If the canary debian vm didn’t ping back to my update script, the script would exit and email me letting me know that something was about to break in the real upgrade process. Since then, even though I’m no longer using proxmox, basically all my infrastructure mirrors the same philosophy. All of my containers/pods/workflows canary build and test themselves before upgrading the real ones I use in my homelab “production”. You don’t always need a second physical copy of hardware to have an appropriate testing/canary system.

  • Hey now, lets not exaggerate and hyperbolize. There are types of non-ad data in this message. “Hello!” isn’t an ad. Neither are the links for “Pay Rent” or “Request Maintenance”. By pixel count that has to be at least 3% of the message!

    Also, I’m sure there’s a tracking pixel somewhere, probably embedded in the CDNs for those images so that they can know when and where you opened this message, what type of device your on, etc. That’s creepy tracking data not advertising! (yet)

    Kids these days, never happy with anything.

  • Generally end-user applications like Firefox would be the latest/same version, but system libraries might be a few versions different. Generally security patches are written for a few major versions of libraries/daemons at the same time. So features might be different but it’s all the same security for the most part.

    That’s the major draw between one distro to another, they will have different philosophies on what to include, and what major version to use. Debian for example is much more reluctant to upgrade something unless there’s a large demand for a new feature. The theory is it is more stable and consistent to use that way.

    Ubuntu on the other hand features much more modern versions of libraries because they want to be more hip and modern, expecting users to learn new things more often because they think the new features are worth it and they want to support all the things.

  • Yes but they use different repositories with different maintainers. Think of a package manager like steam, epic, etc, except instead of games it’s everything. Some package managers get different applications, some have different versions of the same applications. In the case of Debian/Ubuntu it’s more like steam in China vs steam in the rest of the world. Same steam, different games, different maintainers of who decides what games get to go in which steam.

  • Most people should learn to live below their means. I see people that make as much as I do having multiple children, buying giant houses in really nice areas, and I can’t help but wonder what would happen if they lost their jobs with 0 notice. It probably would be catastrophic, but that risk is a choice. Conversely, I live like I make half as much as I do. Max out my retirement contributions every year, rent a much smaller apartment, etc. Maintenance is taken care of for me; I have a small amount of nice things; and if I lost my job I have months or years to find a new one before things would really get dire. Don’t get me wrong I’m planning to move in somewhere nicer and have kids soon too, but extended periods of living below your means allows one to save enough money to increase what their means can provide at the same income level. It also allows you to make migrations without the stress of what happens during the overlap in employment, living situation, insurance, etc. Wash, rinse, repeat. E.G, I fixed up a junkyard car by hand in high school and drove it for a decade so I could afford to buy a new car in cash instead of a lease or a payment with interest. Not having interest applied on top of the purchase made it a lot cheaper for me in the long run than the same vehicle would have been for others that stretched to purchase it. I’m not saying it doesn’t suck a little to see other people with things that I want, but I prefer the safety net I’ve built for myself. I think most people could benefit from a shift in perspective about what they can actually afford, and how they should choose to live their lives.