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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Law maker enacts legislation towards a company. The company is able to comply but instead the company pulls the service or severelyndegrades it. Then when users are pissed off the company will point to the law maker and say “they forced us to do this”. The law maker then suffers the blacklash of companies service withdrawal.

    Apple tried this with the EU usb c but eventually backed down. John deer tried this with right to repair. There are many cases where companies use these tactics to try and bully law makers away from regulating them and I think i know it’s legal and their right to do so but I find it gross.

    I don’t think the law makers should be solving the “problem” this way but I also don’t think pornhub should deny service from an entire state because they want an an ID check implemented.

  • Pornhub is only pulling out to punish the states for trying to stand up to them. In classic American monopoly fashion they go on the attack as soon as any legislation targets them.

    Pornhub claims the reason is because they dont to collect government ID but Pornhub collects user data and understands who their customers are. Adding government ID to their data would hardly be anymore of a privacy invasion and it’s not like they are forced to store it.

  • Fizz@lemmy.nztoMemes@lemmy.mlWonder why....
    20 days ago

    Exactly so an extremely small subset of the population. Which is why capitalism is not being abolished and no one cares about criticism of capitalism but people gets annoyed when people start trying to implement other systems.

  • Fizz@lemmy.nztoMemes@lemmy.mlWonder why....
    21 days ago

    More like…

    Hey this isn’t working

    Yes it is, it’s out preforming every other system.

    We should change to other system

    No uprooting our entire system to swap to a system that has failed every time it’s implemented is crazy.

  • Yea because ps4 is still getting all the releases and ps5 is really expensive. I have friends who still play on ps4 and I went to their house and they’re playing games on like 20fps having a blast. It was kinda wholesome I just wish they weren’t getting scammed by Sony and chose pc so they could play games that actually run on their hardware.

  • I’ll try to be more specific about why I disagree cause I think my original comment did a poor job.

    The article is basically someone tweeting an extreme situation at riot games acting like they so nothing about that kind of behavior. That’s not true I’d bet my left nut that guy would have been banned if the player had just muted him and reported him. They say oh i cant mute because then i need to communicate as if they have any need to communicate with a player making those kind of threats. It doesn’t make sense even with 100% perfect moderation you should would still need to mute the player and report.

    Riot then is forced to respond by increasing how much they moderate speech. Introducing a bunch of new moderation and saying trust us guys we understand banter and won’t go overboard. But that’s exactly what will happen with all these extra tools and people start moderating. the bar for what is considered mutable will keep lowering. As long as this mentality of “never mute anyone and ban anyone who upsets you” continues then moderators will cater to their thinnest skinned players. At some point you need to realize you have to mute players who upset you and not engage with them.

    In league of legends you get banned for saying anything remotely offensive it’s why no one talks in-game anymore. For a real life example ive been muted for saying “ok sex havers”. Here’s a reddit thread where many people have experienced the same over the top moderation that I describe.

    If you want to kill communication in your game this is the right step to take. Reactionary measures are never a good sign. At someone point people need to mute and move and let valorant moderate their game without every toxic moment treated as common.

    League is not toxic in communication anymore it’s toxic in players mentality and intent to ruin the game but it will never outgrow the toxic rep it earned thus people will treat every instance of toxicity like a common event.

    After writing this all out I think I’ve convinced myself out of my position but I’ll leave the rough draft of what i wrote. Maybe you’re right that more moderation is a good thing. I can see chat being over moderated from the increased scrutiny. I can’t see a world where competitive multi-player games are a safe space for all types of people. Muting will always be necessary to curate your online experience.

  • The stats I could find compared pc and current and last gen consoles so ps4 and ps5 era and the split was basically 50/50. But if you think about it that’s not a fair comparison because pc has people who running on hardware worse than a ps3.

    I mostly take issue with the smug tone of the article acting like it’s over for consoles just because they didn’t meet expectations and decided to bring some games to pc. Consoles are still extremely popular and far more powerful than the average pc according to steam hardware survey. They will still be around and successful no doubt about it.