*superficially desirable
*superficially desirable
They have physical locations and extant real estate across the entire US.
So, rather than continuing to give billions to private ISPs that do literally nothing with that money, and who double-down to curtail services whenever mildly inconvenient, my suggestion is that we (ie US Government) does not provide a single additional dollar in funding or subsidies, and instead invests that money in building itself a USG internet UTILITY. If necessary, clawback the billions that have gone to Comcast, ATT, Verizon et al, or just seize their networks and charge their executives with RICO and fraud. They essentially operate as a cartel anyway.
I actually meant both. To use USPS for basic banking, AND have them offer internet from the same locations.
The US Government needs to stop dicking around with this neoliberal bullshit and just offer mobile and home Internet AS A UTILITY.
Use the existing USPS infrastructure and cut out all the bullshit ISPs and parasitical orgs that have been bloating themselves on taxpayers for decades, with zero improvements to users.
Bring back basic banking at USPS too.
I wish our government actually regulated these corporations so they are not able to have a tentacle in so many essential technologies.
All of the symptoms of the crushing power of techbro oligarchs are directly tied to failures of govt to regulate.
Cancer loves to metastasize
“Starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart”
No fucking negotiations. Lay criminal charges on the executive suite and let them experience the American judicial system.
Good points. And that shift in paradigm may have been endurable, but Boomers simultaneously felt the need to castigate young people for not failing upwards, as they did, gaslighting multiple generations for being born into predatory systems that Baby Boomers ushered in.
They voted against the betterment of others at every turn, while reaping the prosperity of their oversized influence for 50 years and then told their children and grandchildren (who, by and large, are MUCH better educated) that we are lazy and underachieving.
They’re the worst generation in American history.
I would argue that the stereotype is that most Boomer parents did not actually do much “raising.” They had kids out of some sense of obligation and then kept on focusing on themselves.
Boomers, as a cohort, are incredibly narcissistic and obstinate.
That said, I don’t particularly care about an inheritance; I want my Dad to live as long as he can and be happy and healthy.
“Generation Me.”
There’s no test to be a parent. All you have to do is fuck. Creampied by some rando behind a dumpster? Congratulations, the MIRACLE of life.
Human society never really evolves, just rows in circles.
The Incredibles came out twenty years ago?
The new Outlook is fucking awful.
How did they fuck up email? Just put them all on the left and let me read and move them in the fewest clicks possible.
Entropy is a helluva drug
Stock buy-backs used to be illegal, which at least forced some reinvestment. Now it’s just shareholder masturbation all the way down.
This feels like trying to explain forests to someone who only wants to tell me about their favorite tree.
I get how the technology has changed. As an elder millennial, my entire life has been a constant shift of technology. From analog to digital, and back again- from betamax to DVDs, from 8 tracks to tapes to pocket rockers to mini discs to ipods. And including resurgences as people “discovered” the benefits of vinyl.
My point is that this new paradigm has shifted ownership of what we pay for away from consumers, to give gatekeeping power to corporate entities that can shut down, or shut off access, on a whim. And what’s the ROI? Increasing access costs without ownership is just a more expensive lease.
I am simply arguing that physical media puts consumers in a greater position of control over the property they have paid for than streaming. And I am intimating that it’s by design that technology “leaders” have moved away from allowing people to OWN what they buy.
I ain’t the fuckface whisperer.
They only take action to punch down any potential actual left-leaning candidates, ensuring no progressive representation ever gathers power stations.