Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈

Careful. I bite. Rampantly homosexual. Massively depressed. Don’t take what I say too seriously, I’m probably having a wind up.

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024

  • I’ve got a friend from Shenzhen who thinks Xi is the worst thing since Mao. If I said that to a lemmy.ml user I’d be banned from the instance.

    Hell, I got suspended for 4 days (and trolled to fuck) when I suggested someone was a tankie (literally a communist who believes in using tanks to kill people).

    Silly thing is I’m a fucking socialist! I believe in all the key tenets of socialism. But heaven forbid you criticise DPRK or China. They’ll chew you apart.

    There’s plenty of fucking countries where from socialism has worked and there’s plenty where some level of socialism currently works.

    I mentioned the Nordic Model and instead of them agreeing it was a good step they spent their time ‘educating’ me on how it’s not true socialism and it’s just as bad as the US.

    Fucking boggles the mind. They genuinely seem to think Stalin was a saint and Kim is a benevolent, democratically elected leader. If anyone thinks otherwise it’s due to Western propaganda.

    I know people living in China - they ain’t fucking happy!

  • It depends on the website hosting location. TOS, users location and relevant international copyright treaties.

    It’s not a one-size-fits-all.

    As a UK citizen I can’t claim my (US) first amendment right to call you a “cunt”.

    It’s against the website TOS and I’m not American.

    Putting a license at the bottom clears any ambiguity.

    Funnily enough you’re only highlighting your own “Zoomer” naivety of law by making your “Boomer” comment.

  • Since when am I defending loli? This is precisely what I’m talking about. I don’t understand the visceral need to HATE and RAGE at everything?

    It could be about antisemities, Indians, pork scratchings, I don’t give a fuck. I don’t get why people feel the need to jump to conclusions (like you!) and label people things that they aren’t.

    Turns out the guy didn’t even have any fucking loli according to another comment!

    The Brass Eye Paedogeddon episode was taking the piss out of people like YOU.

    So you’ve not only labelled ME and this Vaush guy something we’re not but you’ve got angry, shouted hurtful comments and been a complete cock all for what? What have you achieved?

    Do you feel better?

  • But i also don’t know what all you mean when you say censorship.

    It was literally just that. The commentor I saw said something like "it’s censored after ver 1 so don’t expect it to tell you how to cook meth.

    But when I hear the word “censored” I think of all the stuff ChatGPT refuses to talk about. It won’t write jokes about protected groups and VAST swathes of stuff around it. Like asking it to define “fag-got” can make it cough and refuse even though it’s a British food-stuff.

    Blocking anything sexual - so no romantic/erotica novel writing.

    The latest complaint about ChatGPT is it’s laziness which I can’t help feeling is due to over-zealous censorship. Censorship doesn’t just block the specific things but entirely innocent things (see fag-got above).

    Want help writing a book about Hilter beoing seduced by a Jewish woman and BDSM scenes? No chance. No talking about Hitler, sex, Jewish people or BDSM. That’s censorship.

    I’m using these as examples - I’ve no real interest in these but I am affected by annoyances and having to reword requests because they’ve been mis-interpreted as touching on censored subjects.

    Just take a look at r/ChatGPT and you’ll see endless posts by people complaining they triggered it’s censorship over asinine prompts.

  • as a non smoker the attempt to smoke didn’t end very well.

    Ouch!!! Yeah I remember my first time. I was in uni and two older girls (rocker girls) shared some weed with mine and my friends ‘fresher’ selves.

    I’d done bongs up to that point cos I was very anti-smoking. But I asked to try a spliff and dragged on it - COUGH!! “Cough” doesn’t do it justice!!! It felt like I was gonna vomit my fucking lungs and soul!! EVIL!! Fucking evil and to make it worse the two girls screamed “VIRGIN LUNGS, VIRGIN LUNGS!!!”.

    Any sense of pride quickly evacuated as I recovered on the FLOOR spitting and hacking like my life depended on it. I don’t think they were “mean” - they just found the first toke - and reflex (virgin lungs), hacking like you’re dying - funny. :/

    Anyway after that first time my lungs seemed to be adapted. Even with long breaks I’ve never had a moment that bad so I think your brain or lungs just get used to it.

    If not “mixing” have you done any other drugs besides alcohol? I only ask cos I’m a former addict so was gonna go on a long philosophical journey but thought I’d better ask before I make any assumptions!!! 😂

    P.S. I’m not anti-drugs. I’m pro legalisation with caveats. ;)