It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.
It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.
In some of my worse moments, Amazon has genuinely recommended me a “these things bought together” purchase of a tank of helium, a plastic tube, and a tank regulator. Corporations will do literally anything for money.
People can barely drive regular cars, there’s no FUCKIN way i trust them with flying cars
Oh there’s definitely stuff wrong with me, I just don’t know if this specifically is it
Wow that’s a classic! I haven’t seen that video in the wild since the early internet!
There might be something wrong with me for that to be nostalgic…
Succinctly stated. I wish authoritarian left types would understand this.
Honestly this explains everything so neatly that if you put it on TV the audience would complain that it’s not believable. All of these rich assholes are the same.
I know better than to install windows 11 because I have pattern recognition skills. Windows Xp? great
Windows Vista? mediocre
Windows 7? great!
windows 8? mediocre
windows 10? great!
Now just to hold out until windows 12 or whatever they call it.
So spez is the narwhal who gets his bacon cooked. The prophecy’s revelation has come to pass!
Wasn’t there some other big police wrongdoing case in Monroe County Indiana recently? I can’t think of another reason I’d recognize a county in a state i don’t live in.
Hey! I’m not probably autistic! I’m definitely autistic, there’s a difference!
Speaking of: Remember when YouTube was good? When your feed showed you your actual subscriptions, the earlier algorithm was showing you stuff you actually want to see and not 6 late night shows, an ad for YouTube TV, and maybe a decent video essay or two?
The other part about warning employees not to wear Reddit gear in public for fear of violence was meant for the press and for the uninformed, to try to garner sympathy and paint the protestors as bad actors.
Glad people aren’t blind to this obvious ploy. When LGBT violence is at an all time high I don’t think you need to be worried about wearing a reddit shirt.
No matter how many developers you get, you’re never going to have a good product if the guy calling the shots won’t allow it. I’m confident that the developers working on Reddit probably know damn well that their product is trash and there’s nothing they can do about it because their job isn’t “make a good site” its “do what your boss tells you to do”
far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups
not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it