I mean why not, that worked out perfectly fine for bulldozer…
I mean why not, that worked out perfectly fine for bulldozer…
And there it is, the actual reason the owning class are jizzing themselves over AI:
Finally they never have to worry about their underlings ever again, now they truly are everything and as self-reliant and self-made as they always told everyone from private school.
No, this is clearly evil and racist and true nazism, and we must reverse it even though it doesn’t hurt anybody but the west, and therefore Russia actually wants it, but not really?
I’m sorry, the talking points are confusing here, can I have my lines again?
So, trying not to dox myself, I worked with the architect twice.
Knights Ferry was derived directly from Larrabee (GPU), P54Cs with pre-AVX-512, .
KNC was a die shrink with more cores. Both of these were PCIe accelerators only.
KNL had full Airmont Atom cores with smt4, basically meaningful cores with proper AVX-512. Also you could boot them with linux, or as a PCIe accelerator.
KNM jadded ML instructions, basically 8/16bit float and faster SIMD.
They cancelled KNH.
I interviewed some of the actual Larrabee guys, they were wild, there was a lot of talk about dynamic translation, they were trying to do really complex things, but when people talk like that it makes me think they were floundering on the software and just looking for tech magic solutions to fundamental problems.
Intel always dies when the software gets more complex than really simple drivers, it’s their achilles heel.
KNL also had the whole MCDRAM on package for basically HBM bandwidth, but that didn’t actually work very well in practice, again due to software issues (you have to pick where you allocate, and using it as an l4 cache was not always effective).
Oof, yeah, they actually had another they didn’t release, based off pentium cores with avx512, basically knights landing with software support for graphics.
They were canceling projects like it was going out of style, which is sad, that would have been amazing for Ai.
True, yet Nvidia was a nobody that arrived out of nowhere with the Riva graphics cards, and beat everybody else thoroughly. ATi, S3, 3Dfx, Matrox etc.
Actually, they didn’t.
This was their first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NV1
Complete failure, overpriced, undercapable, was one of the worst cards on the market at the time, and used quadratics instead of triangles.
NV2 was supposed to power the dreamcast, and kept the quads, but was cancelled.
But the third one stayed up! https://youtu.be/w82CqjaDKmA?t=23
I mean fine, but first gen, they can fix the features and yields over time.
First gen chips are rarely blockbusters, my first gen chips were happy to make it through bringup and customer eval.
Worse because software is so much of their stack, they had huge headroom to grow.
Arcs are OK, and the competition is good. Their video encode performance is absolutely unworldly though, just incredible.
Mostly, they help bring the igpu graphics stack and performance up to full, and keep games targeting them well. They’re needed for that alone if nothing else.
Run them in a lot of places, love them.
They’re good at being configured and forgotten about.
My main rack, that’s more complicated, I have proper gear, but mikrotik is great for everything else.
Sorry, public universities get into the act too:
Oak ridge is a partnership with UTK, and one of the few ways to get literate people into Tennessee. Sandia is the same, mostly funded by private corporations or the military/DOE.
Berkeley is too, we got mips and a ton of other stuff out of that.
You’re upset they don’t profit more, then demand a bigger share from licensing!
They don’t demand more because the administrators are corrupt as all fuck, and take small rewards in exchange for selling the larger ones, but even UT has a ton of money coming in from profit sharing, and most decent research universities do.
I’d love to see us cut tuition by making universities more reliant on research and/or alumni funding, they’d end up focusing on things that lead to successful student outcomes.
First of all, they don’t, that’s how publicly funded R&D works, the IP is shared, or licensed, but the product is owned.
Have you never read about actual patent licensing for places like Stanford and MIT? How do you think those work? The professors license the patents on behalf of the schools and either get a share, or in exchange for grants.
This model works, and has worked pretty well, it’s why we rocked all research for decades.
Hmm… Would a corporate entity accept such a return?
They do, on a daily basis.
How many multinationals invest in r&d for one of their subsidiaries.
The country is investing in something that a subcomponent of it will benefit from, as will its taxpayers and trade balance.
Why does private capital gets special treatment and has requiremets to provide economics return to the owner while taxpayer’s fund are treated like free money to increase returns for the owners of private capital.?
I’m not saying it should.
You’re conflating the definite problem of socializing risks vs privatizing losses with the clear benefit of investment in domestic r&d.
There should be a payback to the taxpayer, and btw, there actually is in that the engineers working those jobs pay taxes.
The corporations MUST pay more taxes, I am 100% on board with that, but don’t conflate that with the overall benefit of r&d investment.
We are literally arguing over something that only exists because the government invested in it to the detriment of phone companies who wanted to keep charging ludicrous rates for leased lines and long-distance calls. You need to get over black and white.
Just recognized your username, nvm, wasting my breath.
The taxpayer return is that we can finally start bringing cutting edge fabrication back to the US.
This is a bit like saying ‘Schools are such a ripoff for the taxpayer, the corporations get the benefit of knowledgeable workers!!!’
You want an IP deal? Fine, we should work out a licensing partnership, but this is the most important technology of our time, the benefit is clear.
The money people are demanding much higher returns, inflation spooked them, but the fact that it’s going down is no reason to not keep squeezing.
I am less certain about Microsoft, though I think they need to have their ass handed to them for their high-handed treatment of push patches.
Either they need to implement staggered deployment by default, or they need to get out of the update deployment business altogether if they don’t want the liability, can’t have it both ways.
We know this didn’t happen, because CS.
Gemini Ai makes up a title for you.
That’s as cursed as I can make it.
Oh yes, everything is wireless these days…
Imagine being responsible for forcing a security update on your customers without testing it.
Negligence absolutely applies here, Crowdstrike needs to be sued out of existence.
Jesus, there are easier ways, just have the whole mouse be electrified to lethal levels when plugged in, it still wouldn’t look as bad.
Rural island off the coast of a european country:
10g fiber for $65/mo (I don’t even think they cared, I asked for more and I think they made up a number).
House literally down the street from google in silicon valley:
Comcrap $100 for shit cable, I’m paying $250 for actual upload speed.
This country is ruled by the corrupt.