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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • Most male computer uses watch porn and would not want an AI to log that. Many women find porn sickening and don’t understand it and will never understand male urges that result in watching it. The fact that this got into a finished product tells you a lot about Microsoft’s corporate culture.

    Excellent point. We saw exactly the same phenomenon play out with Google and Gemini. The tool created racially diverse Nazis. Even a few minutes with the tool revealed major issues. There must have been hundreds of people who witnessed the slow moving train crash in realtime, but were either unwilling or unable to speak out. I think these companies have clearly cultivated a hierarchical culture of fear and intimidation. I recently left a job in which my manager was ex-Google. The stories she would tell were appalling. Her command-and-control style was, frankly, disgusting. She permitted zero critical feedback or discussion. It was her way or “fuck off.” I found that very instructive as to how these companies have morphed into shells of their formers selves. I’m not bullish on the future of these companies. They’re coasting very well on the fumes of their historical successes, and I think their demise is all but assured.

  • Personally, as much as these little things annoy me, the big things just work. Games just work. My hardware just works. Updates just work. Software just works. I never, ever, ever have to open fucking terminal. That alone is worth all the bullshit in the world. I got into an argument the other day with someone who was chastising a Linux user for updating their distro without checking dependencies first. Like doing homework before an update is a normal thing everyone should be expected to do. It’s not, and until Linux figures this shit out, it’s going to stay niche in the consumer space.

    Just to be perfectly clear, I am rooting for Linux to succeed. I think our best chance at this stage is Valve. I suspect the use of immutable SteamOS will begin to creep into the desktop space. Developers will love it because they can build exactly one repo and call it a day. Users will love it because shit will “just work.” Yes, we lose some control, but no one will care because the biggest flaws will be gone.