I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

    There’s more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let’s all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn’t true.

  • All we have to do is unite. There’s more of us than them. And we don’t even have to protest or leave our homes. They all bow down to the mighty dollar, all we have to do is plan not to buy from ‘company A’ unless they ‘insert world fixing demand that they’re currently doing the opposite of’ ’ knock them down one by one. We could even pool together a dollar or two each, that’s all we’d need if we got enough people together and buy ourselves our very own Politician!! We may even be able to buy them all back… That’s probably pipe dreams. We need to make Poole’s union.

  • Famously, the blue guys in Australia, defund our public infrastructure, go ‘oh no, broken now, have to sell, only private peeps can run this / it will run better / for everyone’s best interests’ (simultaneously pats themselves on the back for bringing money in, even though that thing they broke, brought money in, until they broke it) also, spoiler, they sell the things to thier mates.

  • LavaPlanet@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mleat the rich
    8 months ago

    The women of Iceland went on strike in 1975, they stopped doing literally everything, walked out of the home, left the kids, to demonstrate how much the system would crumble without them, how important they are to everything being able to function, and ask for equal pay. They flipped everything overnight.

    The current system is all the workers do all the work, and the profits from that work go almost entirely to some douvhe who won birth lotto. The system is already rigged. Unrigging the system would look like walking off the job, but globally. It’s going to happen. Society is squeezed too tightly, there’s going to be havoc.

  • The people who expect celebrities (or anyone) to be at peak alll of the time can go screw off, though. I thought body shaming died off with those stupid gossip rags, (magazines). He is more than the value of his evternals. People love him because of his actions and choices, who he actually is. Him being epic in movies is just an added bonus.