C# on Visual Studio is a fucking nightmare. Switched to Rider on WSL the first chance I had, not looking back.
Then again, if this is running on .NET Framework, there is no choice, afaik. You get a buttplug made of barbed wire in Windows + VS, and you’ll like it
And what would that equality entail? Reference equality? You have
for that for every single class. Structural equality? You can write an operator for that (but yeah, there’s no structural equality out of the box for classes, that I have to concede).Hell, in newer C# (~3-4 versions back, I don’t recall off the top of my head) you have records, which actually do support that out of the box, with a lot more concise syntax to boot.
As fir that being Java all over again: it started off as a Java clone, and later on moved in its own direction. It has similar-ish syntax, but that’s the extent of it.