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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Why is that? The whole point of generative AI is that it can combine concepts.

    You train it on the concept of a chair using only red chairs. You train it on the color red, and the color blue. With this info and some repetition, you can have it output a blue chair.

    The same applies to any other concepts. Larger, smaller, older, younger. Man, boy, woman, girl, clothed, nude, etc. You can train them each individually, gradually, and generate things that then combine these concepts.

    Obviously this is harder than just using training data of what you want. It’s slower, it takes more effort, and results are inconsistent, but they are results. And then, you curate the most viable of the images created this way to train a new and refined model.

  • The issue is that they’re taking a tool with actual legitimate use cases, particularly maintenance and repair uses, and turning it into something to just push their own service. It’d be like a doctor saying you can only be healthy if you use his brand of fuckin… Vitamins or some shit,I don’t know. It’s got nothing to do with Microsoft, it’s not automatically the worst thing in existence, it’s just that Microsoft CONSISTENTLY does this kind of garbage, and it’s one of those things that isn’t overtly even a bad thing, you just have to look a bit.

    So in short, I agree it is(was?) a useful tool, I don’t agree that everyone is rabidly anti-microsoft, any more than anyone’s rabidly anti-get-punched-in-the-taint.

  • There’s such a vanishingly small amount of things that are truly “new” in the 21st century. I’d say just about everything ever made in the last few hundred years hardly counts as “new” - it’s just synthesis of things that came before, probably from nature if you go back far enough.

    Novelty truly comes from combining existing things in ways that haven’t been done before. In this regard, palworld has done BRILLIANTLY, taking the best parts of some other games, putting them together far better than those other games, and getting something that’s way more than the sum of parts.

    Palworlds real failing at the moment is simply that it’s early access. The game is fantastic until you hit a middle point where content just falls flat. But, again, it’s early access. If there’s ever a thing to be written off during early access, it’s not all the content being done.

  • The quantity you need for gold to be as useful as it’s going to be in whatever application short of aesthetic/monetary value is so low that it just doesn’t make sense for its value to be tied to its actual use. So little gold is used for “real” applications that if that was driving its valuation , it’d be probably 10% as valuable as it is. That’s what people mean when they say it isn’t useful.