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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • So… aren’t these wannabe twitter competitors going about the whole thing bass-ackwards?

    I saw a broadly similar article the other day about some sort of shakeup in the Mastodon board of directors.

    It’s as if they think the way do do an internet startup is to first appoint a board of directors and hire a raft of executives, then… um… you know… um… do some business… kinda… stuff…

  • Or you could just not care so much.

    If you post memes that are likely to offend someone somewhere, then there’s a risk that one of those someones is going to be a mod, and they’re going to delete it. And really, that’s just the way it goes.

    Certainly you might prefer that they have explicit, precise and closely followed rules so you can accurately predict what they’ll do, but there’s really no requirement that they do so - if they want vague rules arbitrarily enforced, that’s their prerogative.

    And really, what are you out if they do delete a post? It’s not like you paid for it or you have some sort of quota you have to meet. You just toss things out into the internet, and some of them float and others sink.

  • And I have the same reaction I have to most of these types of things - I wonder what it tastes like, and wish I could try it.

    I’ve never understood why these things trigger such uproar. It’s not like it’s poison or some sort of bodily secretion or something - it’s just a somewhat unusual but entirely edible ingredient. And it could be good. So what’s the problem?

  • The thing you’re apparently calling “traditional” seems natural to me.

    I’ve never really stopped and thought about it before, but as far as I can figure, my brain expects the part of the system that does or would actually touch the surface to drag the screen in a particular direction through the simple workings of physics.

    On a touchscreen, it’s simple - it’s my finger actually touching the screen and it drags the screen around exactly as I’d expect.

    With a mouse, my finger isn’t the important part because it’s not touching the surface (or more precisely, the mousepad that substitutes for the surface). Rather, my finger is contolling the mouse, and the underside of the mouse is touching the surface. And as far as that goes, the “traditional” way it works is correct - when I move my finger downward on the mouse wheel, the bottom side of the wheel - the part that would actually be touching the surface if it was a purely mechanical system - is moving upward, so would drag the screen upward.

    So to me, that’s what’s natural.