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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I use jabref and this extension quite heavily. I can assure you that it does send the URL to jabref; it gets added as a Misc reference with the site URL in the optional fields. On my firefox / windows system it does show greyed out in the plugins menu like you say, however it adds a jabref logo in the address bar which can be clicked (or alt+shift+j) to send to jabref.

    I just tried it on my linux system though, and it doesn’t work for me, either. Suspect some sandboxing weirdness because I have jabref as a flatpak but firefox running natively. I’m just coming back to linux from a few years hiatus so I’m hoping someone better than me at this can check in.

    Jabref does have some troubleshooting steps for their extension that might be worth trying though, depending on your install.

  • That’s really hard to answer definitively without context. Obvs there’s the kernel, but that’s similar enough across distros that it’s not really a point of contention that I know of. At a guess it might mean the distro it’s “based” on, but that in itself could mean a few different things. There’s stuff like package management, which you mentioned, and init style. That’s where things get complicated.

    Like, Mint is based on Ubuntu, which itself is based on Debian. They share DEB / APT for package management and use systemd for init. OTOH, there’s stuff like OpenSuse, which is originally based on SlackWare, but uses RPM (like redhat) for package management. OpenSuse uses systemd, but I think RedHat uses upstart and SlackWare uses a BSD-style init. It’s been a while since I checked in on those last two.

    Of course they could also mean something like choice of desktop environment (as in “A Gnome-based distribution”), default package selection (what the installer refers to as a “base” install). They could mean the general philosophy or release schedule (rolling vs. point release). Or they could even be referring to the userbase (as in; “I use Arch, btw”).

  • That’s one of the things that’s not explained, related to the DLC launch. There are a few different versions of the game. The console version is considered legacy and is functionally “disconnected” from the live version. It no longer receives updates outside of the occasional security or stability patch. Only PC is receiving new content. If you can get it for free it’s a good way to test out the general gameplay, but most of the community is on PC these days.

  • It’s the only MMO I still play regularly after three years. That said, I hesitate to outright recommend it. It’s fairly niche, and kinda still recovering from a disastrous DLC launch a couple years ago. It’s in a pretty good place now but confidence in the playerbase is still a little shaken. Mechanics-wise there’s a lot built up over the years that just aren’t explained at all in-game, so the learning curve is more of a sheer cliff face. OTOH, the community is honestly one of the most supportive I’ve ever experienced; even the griefers will chat with you after blowing you up and explain how to avoid it next time. And having the entire physically modelled milky way to explore is honestly an amazing experience. I’d suggest checking out a few streams to suss out if it’s for you, streamers are generally lovely and happy to chat with and help out new and prospective players.