• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • I convinced myself that manjaro is less stable than fedora. But not completely. It depends on the device and what is installed on it.

    For some reason, I was able to run Manjaro on my hp laptop without issues for a long time. However my brother on his Lenovo laptop, the manjaro update just killed itself after 2 months. And this always after some months the updater would not work anymore.

    I then installed Fedora on his laptop, and damn that thing stayed up and running for 2y now. Even after major system update, never broke, and package install always worked, at least when the tutorials are up to date on special things.

    Like installing video codecs, I had to do another command which was not mentioned on the fedora docs, in order to switch from ffmpeg libre to ffmpeg. And then the rest of the install commands would work.

  • J’ai quelques idées…

    Comme il est indiqué sur les infos du site, d’après eux ils se sont séparés du figaro, et bien sûr comme l’URL du site est legorafi = lefigaro.

    Ce serait donc un site exagéré parodique du figaro ?

    Mais je ne sais même pas pourquoi le site existe encore… Je suppose il y a toujours des gens pour perdre leur temps à lire des articles inutiles…

    (si l’objectif est de faire quelque chose de marrant, ca ne me fait pas rire des gens qui se font tirer dessus ou qq qui se lamente et fracasse la tête contre un mur…)

  • Tibert@jlai.lutoFrance@jlai.luGérald Darmanin annonce la dissolution de Gérald Darmanin
    7 months ago

    C’est quoi cet article de bouse. Elle est où leur source ? C’est la rédaction leur source ?

    Je ne peux rien trouver comme source à cet article.

    Donc sans source ou preuve que cet article est factuel, cet article est faux et une invention du journal qui est sûrement m*ique dans ce cas.

    Si c’est du sarcasme ou je ne sais quoi, c’est totalement raté et nul. Ça paraît trop gros pour être vrai, ce qui pe s’en rapprocher, mais ce n’est pas du tout une bonne chose de propager de telles fausses infos.

    Vu les autres articles de la rédaction, le journal est de la bouse.

  • Tibert@jlai.lutoLinux@lemmy.mlYOU CANT MAKE THIS UP
    8 months ago

    This post : When stupid people read company news

    (great ceo choice, she has experience in communication, which is the main thing a ceo has to do for gnome. She doesn’t need to do or participate deeply in development.

    And shaman, well whatever, why do you even care?)

  • There are some useful things in there, but it can get complicated. If i could get to Linux I wouldn’t need a lot of this stuff, or at least I wouldn’t need to think about it.

    Tho I can’t get to it yet (and no I’m not willing to do a windows vm), because of 2 things :

    • I’m playing warframe, and sometimes I open alecafrale in the background with the overlays to know what reward to pick. And it seems they overwolf and the app is not compatible with Linux, at least from what I could read.

    • I am using gpu virtualisation to share my pc occasionally with my brother. And on Linux, there is an alternative with LIBVF.IO. but sadly, not compatible with newer amd gpus, or at least from the tutorial and arch wiki, pretty complicated to make it run, if even possible.

    When these 2 things would be fixed, maybe I’ll consider it, if i don’t have to switch to windows every 2 days…

  • Manjaro is a bit of a strange distro. It works on some setups and breaks on other. On my hp laptop, manjaro stood there without breaking for a year.

    On my brother’s Lenovo laptop, the distro craped itself while trying to update packages, after 2 months…

    Both had aur enabled, but I had the most aur software installed. So no idea why it broke.

    Since I installed fedora on his laptop, no issues for 2 years.