Wezterm is my primary. Love the built-in domain/sshmux features, especially for work. The LUA config rocks, sky is the limit. Highly portable when using something like Chezmoi or YADM.
That said, it’s not always the most performant, especially with certain TUIs. I’ve been running my NVim workspace in Kitty lately just to avoid the minor UI lag (primarily with lazygit). Not a fan of Kitty (or its dev) otherwise, but it serves its purpose.
If Wezterm ever gets optimized, it’ll be the GOAT for me.
Ghostty also sounds like it’s got potential, but haven’t gotten my invite yet. ¯\(ツ)/¯
I started hybrid, but luckily my boss noticed how much more productive I was when WFH. Now I only have to go in every once in a while, think it’s been about a month since my last commute. I really wish more managers/employers would warm up to this concept.