Puppy and Porteux
I’ve only tried Puppy but PorteuX offers more DEs.
Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things
mastodon / blog / listenbrainz
Puppy and Porteux
I’ve only tried Puppy but PorteuX offers more DEs.
DistroWatch has a filter for that
Try be sure to include various DEs or WMs for your friend to see (KDE, Xfce, GNOME, LXQt, and maybe a tiling WM?)
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Main issue, for me at least, is about locking publishers into a Google-built version of the Web that generates less revenue for the publisher and sometimes uses more data for the end user.
Bah d’activité prévu mais la semaine prochaine j’ai 3 jours de libre donc on peut au moins prendre un train et visiter une autre ville.
Le pharmacien ne voulait pas me faire les 2 en même temps. J’ai pas râlé
J’ai eu mon vaccin contre la grippe ce matin et j’ai pris rdv pour le COVID. Je n’ai pas de problème de santé mais j’ai déjà eu 2 ou 3 fois cette merde et éviter les formes graves est une priorité pour moi.
Dommage qu’ils vont tous être addictes de Snake
Au moins ça ne tourne pas sous KaiOS mais S30+ (Mocor) qui est pourri aussi.
Je trouve que c’est une idée géniale. J’espère que quand mon fils arrivera au collège qu’une telle initiative existe.
You might have to bring this question over to the Debian Forum. I don’t work with servers, but as noted above this sounds like a situation where you need to install a newer version of the kernel.
You could try using the Testing ISO https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting
Il y a quelques années nous avons pris un matelas EMMA. Au début, vraiment très bien pour le prix. Mais au bout de 6 mois ce n’était plus aussi confortable qu’avant pour moi. Ma femme trouve ça très bien, mais je pèse un peu plus qu’elle… Je pense que ça fait 7 ans maintenant ? Donc… 6 ans et demi que je râle un peu tous les matins et que ma femme dort bien.
Not even a third of the way through… Holy crap.
Oui, c’est vrai. Mais c’était pratique. Je m’en servais surtout pour avoir le solde de ma carte ticket resto.
Je suis d’accord, mais j’aimerais quand même connaître mon solde via SMS comme avant.
Il y a toujours quelques téléphones KaiOS, S30+ et Mocor qui traînent
Pas des découvertes récentes mais…
Le dernier We Hate You Please Die est très bien (https://wehateyoupleasedie.bandcamp.com/album/chamber-songs)
J’aime bien Cat Temper alors le dernier me plaît (https://cattemper.bandcamp.com/album/still-just-a-cat-in-a-rage) mais je préfère le précédent…
Les manières de table de Annie-Claude Deschênes (https://annie-claudedeschenes.bandcamp.com/album/les-mani-res-de-table)
Exhaust de Pyrron https://pyrrhonband.bandcamp.com/album/exhaust
Cascade de Floating Points https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/cascade
Tabs and Windows
Open new thunar instances as tabs
Whenever you launch thunar while an existing thunar window is already open, a new tab will be added to the existing thunar window instead of opening a new window.
This could be a Thunar setting or a xfwm4 setting in addition to being a FF setting.
I ended up using Khal too. Hesitant at first, it wound up being good enough for me, especially when it comes to mass importing events. It syncs with my CalDav and phone when using vdirsyncer. 5 to 10 minutes fiddling with the config and haven’t needed to change anything in years.
I did this for several months. If you check out the Alpine community you’ll see that many people do this. So, it is not a dumb idea. Alpine is a “generalist” distro and comes packed with all the DEs and WMs you want. They also accept package requests and are usually pretty fast about it.
I would recommend using the Edge branch just to have access to the newest packages, but keep an eye on the issue tracker before hitting update. Also, get on their Matrix and other accounts to follow different discussions.
Many have surprised me for different reasons.
The most recent that did is Alpine. I decided for some reason to install it for regular desktop use on an RPI400.
First surprise, the ISO was so small. Second surprise, everything installed so fast when I used the install scripts. Third surprise was the up-to-date repos. The final surprise was the community: it handled noob questions and complicated questions so well, walked users through click by click and one command at a time. Awesome and totally an acceptable option for a desktop which is why I immediately installed it on my main laptop and used it for a number of months.
Both of these offer persistence. With Puppy you can choose when you shutdown to save. I think PorteuX works the same way.