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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Mid 90s at work as a project support technician in Sony Broadcast R&D in the UK. Slackware, then red hat mostly. Installed Linux boxes in various digital TV stations in London in 1999/2000, used to insert interactive games into the broadcast stream.

    I was a sysadmin from 99 to about 2018, from then onwards I’m more DevOps. Done a bunch of stuff with CentOS too, including migrating 500k email accounts to our hosted solution. Other cool stuff included a VMware based development environment using Foreman + FreeIPA to auto provision dev VMs with all sorts of puppet code.

    Now at home I run Fedora and work on macOS, writing Terraform and Python. And some nodejs too.

    Been at it a long ass time now lol

  • I’m autistic and so is my wife. We were friends first, then got talking as we both were dealing with shitty divorces. We’ve been together 13 years and our relationship just get better and better.

    Don’t try to get dates using apps. They’re for a very specific set of attractive, charismatic, extroverted people. Not neurodiverse people. Some might have luck but nobody I know uses them.

    Instead, in my subjective opinion, you should be joining social circles that contain the type of people you wish to date. Hobbies, clubs, sports, dog parks, volunteering, etc etc. All of which might be far outside your comfort zone and if so I apologize and I hope you don’t feel insulted. Basically you need to level up your social skills to attract prospective partners.

    Of course, I met my wife online first, but it was on a forum, not a dating app. But I hope this helps in some way. Good luck!

    EDIT: I didn’t date from age 17 to age 25 because I shut myself away. Only once I grew up a bit did I start getting interest from prospective partners.

  • Bunch of degenerates are terminally online on an almost anything goes website.

    Stormfront and others see the site as ripe for manipulation and recruiting.

    Over a decade, 4chan is dragged rightward by concerted effort from various fascist groups.

    Manipulation of social media increases into the 2010s, fueled now by governments attacking mostly the USA and Europe.

    QAnon gains popularity after others on 4chan fail; CIAnon, FBIAnon, etc etc. Right wing, hateful, insane, or just plain dumb normies all slurp up the conspira-juice.

    russian asset becomes president. Incompetently tries to destroy government and nation while stealing as much as possible.

    russian asset loses election. Decides to try to destroy the USA a bit more by declaring the election fraudulent without a shred of evidence. Tries hard to get result flipped to republicans for… reasons.

    Dumb ex president thinks he can just demand Congress elect him. Holds a rally the same day as the election is certified, tells attendees to “fight for America’s future, let’s march to the Capitol, I’ll be right behind you!”

    After they organized partially on 4chan, Enthusiastic chodelet troglodytes storm the Capitol.