29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Even with all the privacy concerns aside, I absolutely fucking despise it, when I cannot use my computer the way I want it to be used. That alone would have been enough to convince me to switch. Not to mention that trying to fix issues is a waste of effort, because the system internals are obscured into oblivion. Looking up any issue results in a generic “have you tried turning it off” answer from a Microsoft forum bot.

    I like how the Linux kernel works, and I like how things around it are designed. It’s much simpler, a lot more straight-forward, and I can setup shit how I like it. It’s almost as if people who are working on Windows know that they want to tighten their grip over your system, to the extremes, but at the same time, don’t have the reputation of Apple, to be let off the hook, when they pull complete bullshit moves every time

  • I chose those examples, because that’s what’s been heavily marketed recently, and it all either fundamentally failed, ended up being a scam, or both.

    In contrast:

    • devops is software automation practices…?
    • edge computing is on-call load balancing? It’s horrendously expensive though, so i’ll give them time to figure it out
    • IoT, admittedly, is largely oversold, but even then, there were a ton of products on the market that absolutely outlived all 3 of the examples i’ve given, combined. HomeAssistant+Zigbee home automation is awesome. A raspberryPi is “iot”. Your smartwatch is “iot”.

    There’s a difference between cherry-picking, and refusing to accept that something is a scam. Crypto ended up begging for government regulation, when the original intention was to move away from it. NFTs are a pump-and-dump ponzi scheme. web3 literally doesn’t mean anything