It’s just a murder of crows, coming up slow.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022


  • Admittedly, most of the “Mostly Negative” Steam reviews seem to be reacting to the fact they exist at all, without considering whether they’re actually critical to your progress in the game or not (for clarity, they are not).

    You can walk from the start of the game at the beginning of the hallway, to the end of the game at the end of the hallway, entirely unobstructed by MTX!

    The fact that the two-dozen doors on either side of the hallway, containing entire worlds of content, are locked has no negative impact on your ability to enjoy the game that was never marketed as a hallway simulator.

    Sure, it’s not perfect, but you don’t have to focus on little details like a drama queen. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.