Nintendo playing against type on that one then. They tend to go for the cheapest worst option.
Nintendo playing against type on that one then. They tend to go for the cheapest worst option.
RTS or any predominantly mouse driven game on the switch would be interesting.
Trying to play those sorts of games even on the steam deck is a bit of a penance.
The existence of woke Fury hackers suggests the existence of anti-woke furry hackers.
The UK and Ireland are part of the same plate as Europe. Anyway 2 million isn’t even that much time for continental drift, If you traveled back in time to the Jurassic that wouldn’t be a significant difference between the layout of the continents then and the layouts of the continents now.
It’s probably a more accurate colour anyway. I’ve seen the channel, it is mostly just gray.
Yes but Twitter was fine for well over 10 years so it’s fine. Like I don’t understand this attitude that we can’t enjoy something now because at some point in the future it may theoretically be not as good.
It’s cute that you think that makes a difference it’s not a problem on Windows which is all consumers will care about.
The only acceptable vehicle is a range rover, and even then it has to have mud on it.
Yeah technically it’s a HGV, and you need an HGV license in order to be able to drive it.
Although apparently the other problem is that it has red indicators, because in the US they don’t have separate lights for brakes and indicators they just flash the brake light.
Great Britain and the British Isles are geographical terms, not political ones. Sometimes publications will say Great Britain to mean England, Scotland, and Wales, but not Northern Ireland but they also don’t include things like the Isle of Man in that even though technically Great Britain does include the Isle of Man.
Unless the conversation is explicitly about geography, and land masses you should not use anything other than the United Kingdom.
Yes but not the continent despite what certain people would like
If it was actually code that isn’t the correct behavior. Code doesn’t line wrap, because line breaks mean something in most languages, so introducing virtual line breaks causes confusion.
Like my organization that pledged to be 100% renewable energy based by 2025 and they promised that right up until early 2024, where it suddenly disappeared from the internal website, and now no one talks about it.
But in fairness they made absolutely zero progress towards this goal in the previous 4 years, so it was pretty obvious they never really meant it anyway.
Not just data but in important scientific research too. The republicans want to drive the US back to the stone age, because that’s when they were last relevant.
So things are going to go downhill real fast, is what you’re saying
People would have probably accepted the fascistness as well. If the car had come out as advertised.
If they’re not branded by right-wing personality I’m not interested.
Few it fewer people are actually using Facebook and similar to share their lives because it just feels really intrusive.
Mostly because how much advertising is now showed down your throats.
If they want to know more about me I can share my camera feed but it’s like 98% cat photos.
Rich enough to own a cyber truck, but not bright enough not to own a cyber truck. Yeah it’s what they “call look at me” energy.
Politics notwithstanding people like that are just tiring to be around.
You mean a mouse that won’t get pushed off the desk? They’d win a Nobel prize for that.