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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020

  • I refer to it as the social graph. When a site starts using metadata to map how users are related on a social platform. And then implementing features based on that. It’s not a buzzword but that’s the technical root that stems everything that makes an enshittified Facebookified site.

    Unfortunately when reddit started becoming a social graph based site, the technical literacy of the user base also plummet. So nobody knew wtf a graph structure is.

  • I’m still getting the hard lock issue with driver 535 and a laptop running Arch. I’ve did a quick searches for issues and lots of different complaints in the results. I’ve been waiting for nvidia to put out these fires. Whatever they are. Still waiting since the 535 release…

  • Very nice. I don’t understand the paradigm where everything is spaced out and there’s useless sidebars wasting space.

    I general why does there have to be static sidebars that are rarely used. It causes the content body to be squeezed into tiny space. I will use the left menus when necessary which is not every single page view. In particular the right panel on lemmy and reddit have become cognitive blindspots. I will read the board description and decide to (or not to) click subscribe once. Otherwise it’s like how my brain ignores my own nose.

    Why did web design become this way?

  • Am I the only one that’s noticed how reddit has been fucking with web crawlers? They insert newer comments into older posts so the crawlers pick up false results.

    A few years back they started injecting a “related posts” box into pages. What that does is multiply the amount of results a crawler will pick up. But all those are false results. There’s only one true search result which is the original comment/post. Some times I find myself sifting though the search engine results to find the actual original post.

    I know all this blackout stuff hurts now. I see it as necessary for the platform to lose its status as the “front page of the internet”. Reddit turned evil a long time ago. It’s long past time it be deposed of.