Va voir la fiche Wikipedia de Alain Madelin pour rire.
Va voir la fiche Wikipedia de Alain Madelin pour rire.
If I pirate a movie for myself, I have to pay a huge fine. What will happen to Zuck after he pirated all the movies and made money with this?
He looks less like a robot but uglier and older. Oh, do I have the right to say that out loud? I hope my billionaires overlords won’t be unhappy about it.
Merci pour toutes ces infos. J’ai toujours peur d’un changement d’API chez LibreOffice qui rendrait le plugin obsolete, je vois ça souvent dans mon travail.
everyone complained that telegram didn’t shared data
Who complained? All I remember is that their crypto and security sucks and we should stop using it.
I would pay good money to have toilet paper with the face of my previous middle-manager on it.
haut fonctionnaire, ministre
400 millions d’euros
“Tout le monde peut se tromper”.
Si ça avait été moi, je serais en prison a vie mais c’est cool parce que Ségo. Ou alors c’était du sarcasme et je me suis fait avoir…
open-source […] a bunch of binary files
Please explain.
There are a lot of industries where huge amount of data is moved all the time (health data, VMs, anything actually). Even small startups can do that and it’s cheaper than ever.
No backups as usual:
That’s the law in France, most of Europe, and the USA.