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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Coal plant burns coal to heat water, makes steam, and the steam powers a turbine to produce electricity. A nuclear power plant uses nuclear fuel to heat water and produce steam similar to a coal plant. It may do this indirectly (e.g. second loop between the nuclear fuel and water loop to prevent the water becoming radioactive). This means that to build a nuclear plant you essentially need to build a coal plant, and then also the nuclear reactor and safety stuff, which makes them more expensive. Since coal plants are being turned off anyways, it might be more cost effective to just retrofit old coal plants so the only cost is the nuclear reactor side of things (plus any necessary maintenance and upgrades)

  • What kind of emails are you sending to what kind of people, and how frequently that AI increases your productivity? I don’t think I ever have emails that AI could do better or faster, since it’d probably take longer to explain to the AI what I need it to write than to type it out myself. Then again I’m in an engineering setting and it’s pretty much just numbers, confirmations, basic requests, and issue descriptions, IT tickets, mostly

  • Solder is a low melting point metal used to join two metals, where the solder fills the gap and bonds to both metals. This is commonly used in electronics to bond components to the board. For a good solder joint, the solder must be brought up to the proper temperature, and the pads on the PCB (metal 1) and leads of the component (metal 2) need to be heated enough. Additionally, flux is added to the solder to remove oxides on the component leads and PCB pads to allow the solder to bond to the metal; oxides can prevent the solder from sticking.

    A cold solder joint is one that does not reach the proper temperature and/or does not have enough flux, leading to the solder not bonding to the joint, having a scaly/bubbly/matte appearance, and a weaker more brittle joint. Flux also doesnt do as good a job at lower temperatures so it’s important for the joint to get hot enough, and to heat the pads/component leads too

  • Bias isn’t a personal opinion. It is more likely that a person sees this poll coming from lemmy than from reddit, and people coming from lemmy are more likely to have left reddit due to using a 3rd party app that will shut down. On the same note, someone who is on reddit still is less likely to have seen this poll, and if they’re still on reddit, are more likely to not be using a third party app and thus less likely to care.

    This is heavily skewed towards more technical users who are more likely to care and use a 3rd party app

    Your response reminds me of the people on reddit during early covid. People commonly were using metrics for mortality like # of deaths/# recovered or # dead / total cases and then refused to think otherwise, perferring a invalid metric because the numbers early on fit what they expected rather than realize they may be wrong.