• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • There’s replies to this post that I can’t see whilst logged in. No idea why, a foible of federation maybe.

    “We” created the Fedi to have interoperable systems and to give users autonomy over their accounts and their feeds. That’s why there’s an option for users to block other users and even entire servers.

    Not sure what the scare quotes round ‘we’ are for, but anyway, personal autonomy is a great thing, but when your autonomy negatively affects other people’s desire to remain on a platform, then its not so much autonomy as selfishness. I’m well aware users and instances can be blocked, but when Meta start truly ramping up Threads we’ll be talking hundreds of millions of users and god knows how many domains/instances. Trying to avoid hate is going to become the primary thing some people have to do. Or just leave the fediverse.

    No one is doing that.

    Yes, they are. There are whole instances out there dedicated to (so called) minority groups who some of the hate groups on Threads, both now and in the future, will come after. They already do this on Twitter, TikTok, etc etc - do you think they’ll just not do that on Threads? Or that Meta will moderate them appropriately?

    You see it as the Fediverse promoting Meta but we see the opposite.

    Is that a joke? You honestly think that by federating with Threads, your average Threads user is going to see the promised land of the fediverse and switch in significant numbers?

    I’ve literally never seen anyone say this except FediPacters as a strawman

    Then you’ve not been paying attention.

  • At the moment, Threads runs from one domain. Do you seriously think it’s going to stay that way? They also have 100 million users, compared to less than 2 million across the entire fediverse. Once Threads gets serious about federation - maybe a year or two from now - what you’re suggesting is going to be like constant whack-a-mole. That’s in no way a fun prospect.

    And even if they stick with one domain (which they won’t) - the hate groups on Threads will still be producing content that other fediverse users will be talking about/linking to/quoting etc. The fediverse is very quickly going to become a miserable place to be for those who thought they had found a place where they could be free of all that harassment.

  • There might be no benefit to you but the people who would be the direct targets of every hate group like LibsOfTikTok currently active on Threads probably feel a bit differently.

    This is in no way a knee-jerk reaction to a hypothetical alarm. Meta have directly contributed to a genocide and allow hate groups to grow unchecked on Threads. It blows my mind that the fediverse - itself built as a series of alternatives to shitty companies doing shitty things - thinks the harm Meta will do is hypothetical and unproven.

    The benefits to not federating are many, but the best one, in my opinion, is not exposing current fediverse users who will be targeted to those who will target them.

  • This, to me, is the most immediate issue.

    All the technical issues OP talks about are part of the future. I believe that because it’s Meta, it’ll be a bad future for the Fediverse, nonetheless, it is for the future.

    Right now, Threads is the worst moderated instance on the fediverse (or will be). Groups that, if they were on a Mastodon or PixeldFed or Lemmy instance, would cause all responsible instance Admin’s to defederate instantly. Exploding Heads type groups.

    We have a collective responsibility to the people who may be part of a so-called minority group, who are on the fediverse because it’s safe( r ) for them in a way it isn’t anywhere else, to maintain that. Federating with Meta literally wrecks their experience. They will be targeted and brigaded. Surely no one is so naive to think that some right-wing lgbtqi+ hater(s) is going to think ‘Oh, I can’t be awful to those people because they’re on a Lemmy instance, not Threads’? And by the way OP, if Mastodon users can post to Lemmy communities, I’m sure Threads users will be able to as well.

    Instance Admin’s who elect to federate with Threads are going to be swamped with moderation reports. There are 100 million people on Threads. I’m not suggesting all of them are hateful people but even if it’s just 0.5% (and it’s not) that’s 1/2 million people. What will give first? Instance admins tolerance of Threads or instance Admins enforcement on their rules?

    We can see what they’re like now, just by going to Threads. I can’t think of a more effective way to say to current Fediverse users who are non-white or trans or gay or feminists or disabled that their concerns matter less than being open to Meta.

  • And some of us understand that what’s happening here is not just about the technical workings and impact, it’s also about how cultures and societies form and operate.

    Following full federation, how long do you think it’s going to be before the ultra-right groups that already post regularly and freely on Threads start targeting and brigading fedi instances where black people or gay people or trans people or disabled people or women currently feel safe?

    Now, you might answer ‘well, if they do that then we can just defederate’ to which my response would be; they’re already doing that, but at the moment only on Threads. We already know how they operate, we already know who they hate - why expose people in the groups they will target to that when it can be avoided?

  • Saddens me to see instance admins reducing their users legitimate concerns as ‘reactionary’ as if we/they are dumb ignorant fucks with no concrete concerns.

    This is the very start of Meta gaining a foot hold in the fediverse. Of course they’re not going to do anything overtly shitty at the very start. That’ll come later when they get a firm foothold, start suggesting ‘helpful’ tweaks to ActivityPub, get a seat at various tables etc. The privacy issue is not so much (to me) about what they can do now , because he’s right, anyone can set up scrapers and use the API, it’s about what they’ll introduce on Threads instances a few years from now, then offer to make part of the ActivityPub standard because its just so cool.

    Of course there’ll be ads at some point on Threads instances and Meta are the absolute masters at online ads. They’re so good at it, not even UBO catches them all. If anyone honestly believes they’re not going to be capable of injecting ads at some point in the future, they’re living in a rose tinted fantasy land.

    But those things are the future. Right now, Threads is already a place that is awash with hate groups like LibsOfTikTok etc. One of things I love about the fediverse is that I don’t have to wade through that type of shit. It’s mostly not here via defederation and if we know (as we do) that threads already has that type of content on it, why the fuck are people so keen to ‘wait and see’? We can already see.

    And yes, I know - I can user block and instance block, but the times I have to do that right now with an active userbase of less than 2 million across the fediverse are few and far between. Ramp that active userbase up to 100 million and it’s going to feel like most of my time is spent playing whack-a-mole. That’s not an enjoyable user experience in any way. And even after I’ve done all that, the open warfare that’s going to break out with well-meaning non-Threads users reposting, quoting ‘look at this evil fuck’ type posts is going to mean I still end up seeing some christian fascists dumb take on COVID or whatever.

    We, as a group of people, developed and use fediverse software precisely to escape this sort of shit. When are we going to learn that growth for the sake of growth is absolutely meaningless? Focus on quality and organic growth will occur. Let’s have enough faith in the software and users that corporate users want to come to us.

  • It’s difficult to keep an accurate track but as far as I can tell you’ve had accounts banned by .world, hexbear, .blahaj.zone (and lemm.ee?). They all seem to follow a pattern of saying something bad enough to get banned, moving to a new instance, complain on the new instance about the old instance, get into a fight with the new instances members, get banned again. And all the while begging for the attention to stop.

    If that’s at all an accurate summation, I’d say you need to rein in your desire for attention.