It’s similar in other EU countries. They are patient and don’t just cut power if someone misses a payment. They don’t have much to lose and people need electricity to become paying customers again.
It’s similar in other EU countries. They are patient and don’t just cut power if someone misses a payment. They don’t have much to lose and people need electricity to become paying customers again.
Energy is very affordable in EU. It’s likely there’s another reason that has this group struggle financially. Maybe basic income or higher minimum wage would help.
A dice size SLR with optional USB C, so you can attach it to phones and drones.
Don’t judge ppl for not cooking. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes more than the attention span of a squirrel. A lot of people just can’t any more. Depressed people, old people, exhausted people, busy people. Some flats don’t even come with kitchens and some people are forced to move somewhere. It also, doesn’t stop with the cooking, you have to clean up afterwards as well. Cooking can be fun, but it can also be chore.
youtube is shite. i hate their clickbait thumbnails. i try to avoid visiting.
it’s not good for summaries. often gets important bits wrong, like embedded instructions that can’t be summarized.
you only lose if you invest more than you get paid back with your paycheck. if you get laid off, it’s supposed to be their loss, because they lose your experience. you should be good. i know change can be stressful, but you can get another job until finally a company isn’t mismanaged and keeps you.
It gets your unique tracking ID, so it knows you’re the same person now with different IP. If you use apps that store location data in firebase (eg. find my device, fitness trackers, emergency alert apps) it will upload your GPS location and maybe nearby wifi names, if you set it to be extra precise.
* boulangerie intensifies *
They’re all shit, sry. Last okayish one was Samsung S10e and it came with pre-installed bloat and questionable apps. Newer ones are impractically huge. Foldable screens are either not waterproof or break soon. Pine Phone not waterproof. It’s all shit. They lost track of peoples needs. Force us to buy the least worst.
This problem solved, but whenever you change your network or IP and then periodically, your phone will report to Firebase, so you can receive push notifications.
You can block those with software that simulates a local VPN with a filter, but you won’t get any more push notifications. Now push notifications are not just the ones you see. Some apps use invisible ones to get infos they need to work.
i backtrace you
I’m on Linux and have a large variety of Javas to choose from. (Currently having 2 installed in parallel. Don’t remember ones name, but the other is Temurin.) Is it different on Windows? Why don’t they just switch?
All my private projects compile and run on both and even my favorite old Java game Spiral Knights works after some CLI parameter tweaking for modern JVMs.
it’s the so called weights. the learned data after training.
they didn’t provide neither training data, nor lists of sources, so nobody can recreate it, but them.
The horizontal lines would just make me proud my filter works so well. My client doesn’t have them, so I have no idea how much gets filtered.
it’s not fully open souce tho.
it comes with binary blobs you can’t build from the source.
it’s not fully open source. it comes with binary blobs you can’t build from the source
it’s not fully open source. it comes with binary blobs you can’t build from source.
There are actually legal torrents and valid reasons to download them from within a company network or company workstations, for example here are the Debian install media torrents:
However, you should make sure the admins and bosses don’t mind.