Enfield [he/him]

PDT. BDay of Nov 5th.

Lift 6 foot, 7 foot, 8 foot bunch!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • When I first starting shifting away from Reddit, I was nervous about whether I’d like having smaller communities. I’m definitely adapting more to it myself.

    I remember coming to a similar realization with Discord servers. I started out with joining servers between friends and I figured that maybe I was missing out by not getting into some larger ones. I actively tried getting into a couple of servers that weren’t even all that big compared to some numbers I’ve heard before—the servers I’d try to get into were like, 3,000+ users typically?

    The conversations always felt way too fast for me to get a word in, and it never felt like I had many chances to start conversations unless it was like 2am and most of the serve was asleep. Voice chat feels like I can’t even get my foot in the door. Server rules and policies paradoxically felt convoluted as well as nebulous. I make a solid attempt at integrating into the culture wherever I go, but I could never seem to do those servers right. I still stick around some of those servers now, but only because they play meaningful roles in communities I’m in.


    It feels radical to say, because I’m so used to equating Big Numbers and Lots of Content to being a healthy community, but maybe there really isn’t too much wrong with a smaller or slower community? I’m starting to realize those are the places I really enjoy, and that maybe I don’t give them enough credit. It takes more time for fresh content and talk to come in, but when it does, it feels meaningful and like I actually have a chance to be that someone who starts it in the first place. The moderation and culture feels much more in touch with the community there.

    I hope Beehaw succeeds in whatever the community and its leadership wants it to be, but I hope that it holds on to its integrity and the philosophy it’s communicated so far, even if that means it leans toward a smaller feel. I think I kinda like that feel to it.

  • I agree that something similar will happen over time. I think there’ll inevitably be overlap between instances and their communities, and that overlap will stymy discussions to a degree. But I also think that instances and their communities will gradually begin to develop their niches and have different strokes for different folks. Beehaw may be more attractive to having a friendlier or more cultivated group and discussion, another instance could lean toward corralling the banter and memes, and another still could be the best fit for media.

    I think the most powerful thing about platforms like Lemmy, even if instances aren’t in federation and even if multiple accounts end up needing to be juggled, is that Lemmy makes creating communities and instances like Reddit so much more accessible. Reddit is no longe the only place to get an experience with a format like Reddit, and I think that’s a big win.

  • Yep, I’m gradually shifting to S3 for my public direct file sharing as a bit of an exercise in learning AWS. It’s not free, but 99.99% of the time it’s remarkably cheap. If you’re willing to put up with learning AWS (or any other general-purpose platform really, cloud or self-hosted,) there’s a nice feeling that comes with having more leniency to do things your way and on your terms.

    Now whether it works properly, however, let alone work at all, is an entirely different story. But that’s the double-edged sword with going out on your own: it’s more likely to be your fault, not someone else’s.

    id be pretty psyched if my video embedding starts working one of these days 👨‍💻

  • Catbox is a robust looking option that I’ve experimented with. I’m a bit concerned that they’re blocked in a few countries, though.

    Blocked countries, sourced from above FAQ
    • Australia: DNS block. “Decided that Catbox was a terrorist propaganda spreading website.” Explicitly defining DNS serves to a public server is required to access site and files.
    • Ireland/UK: IP block. “Clips of [football] games being uploaded to Catbox.” VPN required to access site and files.
    • Iran: IP block. “Uknown, but I’m sure you can probably make some pretty accurate guesses.” VPN required.
    • Afghanistan: Ditto above.

    I’m not sure if that would be a massive issue for most Beehaw users, but personally I’m not a fan of having content potentially inaccessible or at least requiring additional tools to access.

    Otherwise I couldn’t recommend Catbox enough, which is what really bums me out. Massive uncompressed file sizes, indefinite file retention, wide file support, direct file linking, the place has the works. If Catbox wasn’t already blocked to a mild degree in the mentioned countries, I would be all in on recommending them.

    Related: If anyone is in one of the listed countries above, I’d appreciate it if you tried to access the site and some direct file links and reporting back if a VPN or public DNS is indeed required. There’s the catbox test Millions has below and I have a file of my own for good measure.

  • Ooooh man, I was searching up something earlier today and out of reflex I clicked a Reddit result. Felt icky once I realized where I ended up and went Back fast 😅.

    It’ll be interesting to see if/how we’ll come to adapt to a more decentralized getup in time. I wonder how we might quickly search through all the public federated platforms at once? It’s gon’ get old fast to type [x] site:beehaw.org OR site:lemmy.world OR [ad nauseum]. I think it’d be cool if decentralized platforms got popular enough that search engines would add something like site:!social.lemmy.