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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Coincidentally, I just got a knock-off Soda Stream from Phillips. It’s over $150 cheaper and works 2x-3x times better. I wanted to build something similar for a homemade soda bar concept, and discovered how truly cheap it can be to make soda and carbonated water at home. I was shocked at what a simple concept it is, and how much of a profit these sodas water companies make. Phillips even charging $50 for their system is a total rip-off.

    Truthfully, I think the increase in quality in the Phillips machine is due to fewer parts is an “exception that proves the rule” as these in-bottle carbonators seem to work better with fewer parts. It’s just a pressure hose connected to a co2 tank. Literally, all of $6 if you were to build one yourself from parts on Amazon (or $3 if you got he Alibaba route)

    I truly believe that the fewer parts the better in any DIY or commercial product due to the less chance of a failure in a part if there are fewer parts. This works fantastically for the “lower quality” producing companies, like Phillips.

    My inventive and engineering entrepreneur friends and I call this “fewer parts the better” concept, a “Murphy’s law compensator” as the fewer parts there are, the fewer parts that can statistically “go wrong”

  • This is the truth. I was being abused by a boss of mine, with him demanding to know the whole of my medical history. He also demanded doctor excuses go directly to him, and not HR as I was told,

    Needless to say, HR shared that I was bitching about him and he messed up my desk, breaking an ornament and a knickknack that was precious to me at the time (I got it on honeymoon). I took photos, and HR even saw him near my desk at the time of all of that happened

    It took a major civil suit to get the video, but after the judge saw it ‘my case was won’ according to the judge. It was so obvious of evidence of him breaking stuff, spitting on my chair, snapping my laptop.

    I even got special consideration because my boss then gave me a laptop that was so old that I couldn’t load the required VPN software.

    I’m glad I got out of a corporate run tech field. It’ll eat your soul without you noticing until it’s too late…

  • I listen to a lot of media, like Manhwa recaps, audiobooks, podcasts, true crime.

    Some days I click on YouTube once at 10am when I wake up and sit down in front of the computer and once again after my day is over and I go to bed.

    YouTube is more than educational videos or prank videos.

    You should look into “YouTube Longform content”

    This is content, usually over 2 hours, that’s highly entertaining and comprehensive.

    Consider PatricianTV

    They made a Skyrim retrospective that was 20 hours long Part 1 Part 2

    It’s not a let’s play or anything of the like. It’s an actual factual longform review

    Not only is it a masterpiece, but it’s a comprehensive masterpiece.

  • I like the ability to move around to different devices and be able to keep the same video.

    I love Manhwa recaps, audiobooks, etc. There are like 12 hours long sometimes. So it’s so much more convent to walk away from my computer and go to the bathroom or lay down and It just picks right up from the same part in the story.

    90% of the time YouTube is running on monitor #2, but the convenience factor of the last 10% can make life worth living sometimes.