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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • China isn’t a smaller threat though because, in the same way that Russian bot farms didn’t have to be domestic to manipulate MAGA heads in to trying to topple our democracy, the CCP does not need to be a domestic power to have really destructive influence in the democratic process (which is their goal).

    This idea that the CCP is some benign force just sitting “over there out of everyone’s way” is naive to say the least. The Internet is one of the prime places where they attempt to control narrative.

  • How do people not understand that Biden is not changing direction on this and that even if he did the damage is already done for many?

    There is no “appealing” version of the Biden admin. The only realistic long-term strategy is allowing zionists to become politically untenable. Democrats in a position of privilege need to experience the consequences of their dead end politics, they simply cannot be made to understand any other way.

    This election is already lost to the extreme right, regardless of who wins. The best long-term option is to aim for what will most quickly lead to reform within the Democratic party. The “lesser of two evils” strategy has been tried for 40+ years and has only resulted in failure after failure.

  • It’s obvious at this point the games aren’t a scam, they’re being delivered, bit it does look like the culture at CIG has toxic elements within it.

    It’s not a big surprise though, there’s a history of nepotism within the community management side, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s similar within the dev sector of the company too.

    Will Leverett is the head of player relations at CIG. Prior to this he did community management for League of Legends so…you know…

    In terms of the layoffs though they’re just following the same dumb trend in the rest of the tech industry – firing people to make it seem like they have “cost discipline”.