You mean: The entire internet right now.
life & randomness & music & love 💜
You mean: The entire internet right now.
talk about your silver lining! Hey, we never really got to use 50 deg C in weather yet! Hype!
who needs units? call them percents. 0% hot 100% hot 110% HOT holy fuck! lolol
I enjoy rabble rousing C-freaks. I lived in a Celsius country for 3 years (Hong Kong), each degree is too much, decimals for weather is silly.
Farenheit is so simple, on a scale of 0-100, how fucking hold/cold is it?
the fact that 20-30 points goes from freezing cold to death and destruction and fire is everything that’s wrong with Celsius for weather.
F for weather C for chemistry K for astronomy
FCK one unit of measure.
Subscribe to better communities lol. I don’t see Reddit shit except posts like this.
I just feel bad for people who went in during Elon’s “good” years (heavy quotations). He’s nothing but a glorified car salesman and a verified idiot now, but for a while there, some people just wanted a more sustainable car.
lol, no, I’m saying pop culture hasn’t decided yet, silly.
I just find the weirdos who forget soft G’s exist ridiculous.
What general public? I’ve heard it pronounced both ways often by many people. There is no agreed way to pronounce it. Even the dictionary recognizes both ways.
^ this person gets it.
People are so weird about this. Yes, G’s often sound like J’s English is weird. The inventor gets to have the say, he called it “jif”, great, it’s “jif”. To say it hard g “gif” and act like all G’s sound the same is just announcing one’s own ignorance. Weird take. Welcome to English!
English is filled with weird duplicative shit. Ex: Why do we even have C’s anyway if we could use an S or a K? “Accident” one C is “kuh” and one C is “Suh”. WTF English?
Gerry the gentle giraffe went to the gym with the generous gem of a gymnast Geoffrey (the giant ginger who wears gentlemen’s hair gel and studies geometry). Genius!
That’s not how acronyms as words works. AIDS isn’t pronounced “Uh-ids” like the A in acquired.
I think some people want Moar Content so they go to All a lot. I start in Subscribed/Hot, Subscribed/New, before I go to All. If I need content because I’m bored, maybe New Comments.
yeah, apps are doing great with toggles for nsfw.
That’s how Reddit was too before the push for investor money. R/all had porn. They eventually buried it all.
Make subscribed your default view, apps give you many options to hide and/or blur NSFW.
Charmin needs to Calm Down.
Wait til OP finds out about Craigslist.
Oh shit! This is going straight on Qanon Facebook right now! My mom’s brother needs to know!
Why they watching the very end? Just to make sure everyone is happy? Plot resolution?
not remotely. Both, my mastodon & my IG feed were filled with that asshats mugshot. Like… LITERALLY filled. I ended up just logging off for the night last night.
Here I subscribe to a lot of non-political & non-meme communities, so it wasn’t nearly as aggressive.