My 2004 F150 rocks out, except for the mileage.
My 2004 F150 rocks out, except for the mileage.
I’d argue the CEO is the most important person, usually. We see dipshits like Musk and turn around and bag on all of them.
Think of a business, doesn’t matter if it’s local or national. How do the employees act? Are they happy and seem to be doing useful work? Are they downcast and depressed looking?
Sometimes it’s the local manager staving off corporate bullshit, but company culture mostly rolls down from the CEO. They saying, “Shit rolls downhill.”, works both ways.
Well, yeah, because the United States Geographical Service is the source of truth for geographical names. No surprise Google and Apple follow it. There’s a little more breakdown than that, but that’s the gist of it.
The change is fucking stupid, you know it, I know it, we all know it. Save your fucking ire for all the real shit going down. In comparison, this doesn’t rate a single breath.
OK, fine, Central America. OP’s point still stands.
Stop 👏 Buying 👏 New 👏 Shit 👏
I could run a whole community on how to recycle, reuse, repurpose. Why the hell are people buying new cars?!
Rich people don’t pay for stupid shit like this, it’s how they stay rich.
an X account which suggested the six young men…should be “paid a visit” by FBI agents.
“You have committed a crime,” Musk fired back at a comment from the account Monday…"
That would have been laughable a few months ago, now it’s horrifying.
I was punching holes in much thicker steel yesterday with .223 and .45ACP. LOL, if even a fat, slow .45 will get it done, about anything will.
I was shooting thicker steel than that yesterday with cheapo .223, went through it like butter. The bullets are hilariously small, but they’re hauling ass at 3,400FPS.
No lie! They’ve been available to civilians since the 60s. They weren’t popular because they’re not the best in any particular class. But they’re easy and don’t kick.
I only clean mine because it’s white. It would run forever shooting the filthy, cheap ammo I buy.
I’m on lemmy. Just got back from working with firearms at my camp today.
Turns out some mags need oiled, a dead scope battery (no extras on hand!), new shotgun strikes light, need to adjust the trigger pull (again), new 10-round AR mags are a dream, not sure about the red-dot, but it puts steel on target as far as I’m able to shoot.
As always my Colt 1911 Government Model is flawless with every mag. Compact Ruger 9mm fired flawlessly, hard to aim a 2.75" barrel. About my crappiest gun, the Taurus Spectrum, actually ran perfectly. Weirder things have happened. (It always runs perfectly, just jams on the last round, every time.)
Rotated out some old ammo, had more than I thought! Guess I was being extra conservative on holding. :)
Same people who, rightfully I think, oppose a gun registry, happily give their info to the NRA and similar outfits?
I ask you, would you want Trump or Musk knowing if you owned guns? Would you want them knowing you’re a liberal gun owner?
Somebody came up with the idea, implemented it, saw a jump in revenue, got a promotion or fat bonus, all to make our lives just a little crappier. Unfortunately, it’s that simple.
It’s not simping to help others out with solid product suggestions. I’ll try Dawn next time. Wife buys the cheap watery shit, can’t convince her she’s saving money by purchasing water.
My big one is Arm & Hammer stuff: antiperspirant, toothpaste and laundry soap. No gagging perfumy smells, toothpaste is neutral tasting, all of it cleans. And they’re not even a premium brand.
I’m very active outdoors and have 6 Casios, one like the model here. I’d shit kittens if one actually leaked.
They’re $10-$100 on eBay. Got one for $20 that shows the moon phase and tides.
AOC and Ted Cruz got the same response, as did “who is $X”.
To be “allowed” to stay out of prison.
After his first Presidency, Trump threatened to throw Zuck in prison, more than once.
I’ve bought Victorinox knives in 50 lots off eBay TSA auctions. Cleaned them up and gave them out as Christmas presents.