• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I’ve had Mullvad installed for around a year or more. I turn to it from time to time when I wanna keep things separate from my regular browser, like if I’m looking into items on Amazon that I only need once and don’t want recommendations to get polluted. For example, I was looking at the price of spinning platter HDs after one failed in a NAS. I don’t want Amazon trying to sell me more old-tech drives once I replace it.

    Has worked well so far. Haven’t tried the other one.

  • I went something like six months without my glasses because I still had an old thin frame. It turned out they’d landed on the base of a black standing lamp. I couldn’t see them from six feet away (my rough height). It was when I bent down to plug something in that I found them. I’d probably lost them getting up to go to the bathroom after falling asleep on the couch cause they just “disappeared” one day. They were in plain sight (if I’d had them on) all along.

  • I ordered a BananaPi board years ago but then life took me places where I didn’t have time or energy to follow up. I’ve recently rejoined the hobbyist homelab market, so I’ve quite interested. I’d read that drivers could be an issue with non-Pi boards but haven’t ever found out. Which boards / companies are recommendation-worthy at the moment?

    Asking twice because two people had similar replies and I’m looking for feedback, not because I want to spam the thread.

  • I ordered a BananaPi board years ago but then life took me places where I didn’t have time or energy to follow up. I’ve recently rejoined the hobbyist homelab market, so I’ve quite interested. I’d read that drivers could be an issue with non-Pi boards but haven’t ever found out. Which boards / companies are recommendation-worthy at the moment?

    Asking twice because two people had similar replies and I’m looking for feedback, not because I want to spam the thread.

  • Yes, you should look for hand-holding tutorials. I don’t mean that to slight you. The first time I installed Linux was way before the internet was fast or full of easy to access info and way before most had access to a secondary device (like a phone) when hitting a roadblock.

    It booted to a text prompt. I had no idea how to login (probably root / root or root / password or root / [blank], but htf would I know that?) so I erased and reverted back.

    The point is, if you have very little experience, there’re tons of resources to help you out. Search them out. Lean on folks here for help when needed. You’ll be ok.

  • I had an in-person interview lined up after a phone interview went really well. However, I got offered a different position before the Linux interview was scheduled and I had to take it because I was unemployed and couldn’t gamble on it not working out.

    I just got back into virtualizing Linux instances on Proxmox (had been on ESXi before the Broadcom fuckery). I’m considering going that route again as of just very recently.