Buster is awesome to get past recaptcha. I use it with my own Speech to Text API key since its free from Google. Using Google to beat Google.
Buster is awesome to get past recaptcha. I use it with my own Speech to Text API key since its free from Google. Using Google to beat Google.
Buster is awesome to get past recaptcha. I use it with my own Speech to Text API key since its free from Google. Using Google to beat Google.
You won! Blacklisting the module worked!!
Thank you!!!
xinput --disable
is not working due to Wayland
There is no option in BIOS to disable touch input.
The stackexchange solution didnt work. When I tried to set it to unbind, Im getting permission denied even as root.
Touchscreen is physically damaged.
No. The touch panel is making ghost inputs. So, I want to get a DE without touch support or need to figure out how I can disable touch input.
I already use vnStat with Debian. Was wondering if theres an alternative for Windows
I was looking for something more simple like vnStat
Just a thought: What if I were to buy a TV with a port other than HDMI and use a converter from Roku device to that port? For example, hdmi to display port or whatever.
I have posted the solution above. Thank you for suggesting the above service
Thank you for the script. I will look in to this.
It looks like Prowlarr health checks doesn’t cover downstream apps: https://wiki.servarr.com/prowlarr/system#health
I have all the *Arrs currently notifying Telegram with their own notification systems. The problem I am trying to solve is, what if the application itself goes down. I am also looking for something that monitors more than *Arr apps.
For ex: Prowlarr application(exe) somehow gets killed. Then Prowlarr itself cant send notifications with its built in system, right? So, something external needs to monitor either the exe(process) or the webpage(HTTP request) or the port that can then send the notification that Prowlarr is down or not responding.
I hope this explains the issue better.
Right, I am looking for a solution that can alert me, if/when any of the self hosted web services goes down. Pretty much check if either the port or webpage is up and send alerts.
I saw Prometheus supports Windows. But, I think its kind of overkill for my use case. I have everything running on an old laptop. So, I am looking for a lightweight application/solution
Nothing is truly free with Google. So ya, most likely they are tracking. If you dont want to use Google, there are other options on their wiki
If not, you can use a dummy account just for this.