One foot planted in “Yeehaw!” the other in “yuppie”.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I mean sure maybe 10 years ago. But most static sites like blogs and such can fit entirely on a cloudflare page worker under the free tier. Or heck, even the free allotment on AWS S3 or other object storage providers.

    I mean, perhaps this isn’t a static site and it’s built on some sort of CMS and has a postgres database in the background. In that case it probably runs around $5 to $10 a month.

    Of course, this all presumes that the person setting this up is fairly savvy about the offerings available. I see a lot of people making silly decisions in this space, thinking that they need some full fat virtual private server, when all they really need is an object storage bucket behind a DNS c-name.

  • I guess I didn’t really see the pressure that they were under.

    I hope they heal! But it’s a bummer that such an excellent resource will be taken down.

    I wish more creators were willing to hand their creations to someone who wishes to continue it. But oftentimes, I fear that it’s far too entwined with a person’s identity for that to be common occurrence.

  • I don’t get it either. My brother-in-law is like this. And he refused to take his kids to see Buzz Lightyear because of its “political” nature. I was a dumbfounded when I heard that. To think that representation is just some nebulous political aim.

    At this rate, we should just consider any media with a kiss in it “political media.”

    And I even grew up with this dude in the early 2000s. He didn’t seem like this before.

    I try to forget about the guy, but it’s kind of hard because he won’t let me see the nieces because I’m too “liberal”.

  • I dunno what this GM is doing but I find that ChatGPT (GPT4 particularly) does wonderfully as long as you clearly define what you are doing up front, and remember that context can “fall off” in longer threads.

    Anyways, here’s a paraphrasing of my typical prompt template:

    I am running a Table Top RPG game in the {{SYSTEM}} system, in the {{WORLD SETTING}} universe. Particularly set before|after|during {{WORLD SETTING DETAILED}}.
    The players are a motley crew that include:
    The party is currently at {{ PLACE }} - {{ PLACE DETAILS }}
    At present the party is/has {{ GAME CONTEXT / LAST GAMES SUMMARY }}
    I need help with:

    It can get pretty long, but it seems to do the trick for the first prompt - responses can be more conversational until it forgets details - which takes a while on GPT4.

  • Thank you for the measured take on this.

    You are correct, I don’t intend to pressure or cause harm! But I certainly see the results, and it is indeed pressure. As another commenter pointed out, there are many instance admins who work a bit closer to the team on the Matrix chatrooms and that’s their preferred method of communication. Now that I know this, I’ll let things cool down and join myself. I definitely intend to contribute where I can in the codebase, and I wouldn’t dream of escalating to public pressure for smaller concerns.

    However, I have a slight, and perhaps pedantic disagreement about making changes. In this case, the request was for not making a change. If it weren’t for the fact that the feature was already ripped out it would be as simple as not removing it (or in this case re-working it a bit). I understand that it isn’t the current reality, and that it required work to revert - and if not for a ton of spambots, I think It would’ve been easier to adapt.

    Ultimately it will take time to discuss workarounds and help others implement them, and the deadline is ultimately the arrival of the version that drops the older captcha (or was, in this case - it’s getting merged back in as we speak - might even be done now). With that reality, I had a sense that this could be an existential problem for the early Threadiverse.

    I definitely didn’t intend to suggest that the Devs were in any way at fault here. I read the github issues enough to come with the takeaway that a quick (relative to a new feature) reversion to the prior implementation. To me the feedback they were receiving seemed to be “Admins and devs alike are okay moving forward and opinions to the contrary are minimal, let’s move forward”. It was definitely intended to be a way to communicate using raw numbers (but not harassment). I’d like to think I’m fairly pragmatic in that if it IS working for folks, then that is a contrary opinion, and that it was missing.

    Where I definitely failed was my overly emotional messaging. It’s certainly not an excuse, but my recent autism diagnosis does at least help explain why I have an extremely strong sense of justice and can sometimes react in ways that are less than productive in some ways.

    As for the licensing, I agree! I’m talking to some good friends of mine because I want to take my instance WAY further than most others - goal is a non-profit that answers to Tucsonans and residents of larger Pima county rather than someone not in the community. There’s just a lot of features this concept would need that it might diverge so much from the Lemmy vision that it needs to be something new - and hopefully a template for hyper-local social networks that can take on Nextdoor.

  • Hmmm, I’d check the following:

    1. Do the emails follow a pattern? (
    2. Did the emails actually validate, or do you just not see bouncebacks? There is a DB field for this that admins can query (i’ll dig it up after I make this high level post)
    3. Did the surge come from the same IP? Multiple? Did it use something that doesn’t look like a browser?
    4. Did the surge traffic hit /signup or did it hit /api/v3/register exclusively?

    With those answers I should be able to tell if it’s the same or similar attacker getting more sophisticated.

    Some patterns I noticed in the attacks I’ve received:

    1. it’s exactly 9 attempts every 30 minutes from the user agent “python/requests”
    2. The users that did not get an email bounceback were still not authenticated hours later (maybe the attacker lucked out with a real email that didn’t bounce back?). There was no effort to verify from what I could determine.

    Some vulnerabilities I know that can be exploited and would expect to see next:

    1. ChatGPT is human enough sounding for the registration forms. I’ve got no idea why folks think this is the end-all solution when it could be faked just as easily.
    2. Duplicate Email conflicts can be bypassed by using a “+category” in your email. ie ( This would allow someone to associate potentially hundreds of spam accounts with a single email.

  • Looks like someone already opened a PR to roll back to a retrofitted solution (I had to wait until the weekend before I could find the time to work on this).

    The devs are willing to accept a retro-fitted captcha (rather than just mCaptcha) in time for v0.18 and they communicated as such about 9 hours ago (for me). So for me, my push for visibility is complete unless they block the incoming PR for whatever reason. The devs have been made aware that this is contentious and the community could be impacted negatively and they see the need for it.

    For me, that indicates that the Lemmy devs will listen to key, important issues, that impact the health of the larger fediverse as long as the community is clear about what the largest issues actually are.

    A lot of folks here characterized me as someone wanting to “brigade”, but that’s not quite true. I just know that sometimes developers don’t know what’s going on with admins unless the admins are loud, clear, and coordinated. That doesn’t mean that I was asking folks to “force” the devs to do anything or be abusive, just that enough feedback might convince them to see things from a different perspective than a perfect technical solution.

  • Sure, I agree that the current implementation isn’t the most robust in stopping all conceivable bots. Heck, it’s quite poor as some others have pointed out.

    The reality is, though, that it is currently making a difference for many server admins, now, today.

    Let’s use a convoluted metaphor!

    It’s as if each lemmy instance has some poorly constructed umbrellas (old captcha). Now a storm has arrived (bot signups) and while the umbrella is indeed leaky, but the umbrella operator is not as wet as they would be without it. Now imagine that these magical, auto-upgrading umbrellas receive an update during this storm that removes the fabric entirely while they work on making a less leaky solution. It would be madness right? It’s not about improving on the product, that’s desired and good! It’s about making sure the old way of doing things is there until the newer solution is delivered and present.

    As a user of this “magical umbrella”, I’d be scrambling because the sudden removal of a feature that was working (albeit poorly and imperfectly) doesn’t exist at all anymore. Good thing I have a MUCH bigger umbrella that I pay $$$ for (cloudflare) to set-up in the meantime. However this huge umbrella is too big, and if I don’t cut some holes in it, it’ll be to “dark” to function. So not even this solution is perfect.