Yeah sorry this isn’t molestation, this is how media works in a digital connected world. The fact the entertainment industry has been denying the realities of their industry for 50 some odd years causes some head-scratching takes, like an actress being “molested” by someone jerking off to her in a scene they didnt pay for. No, sorry lady, once you expose the flesh to the camera you relinquish the right to keep it to yourself.
These stupid goddamn articles always trot out some actress or stagehand to humanize the ‘victims’ too, when its really just rich production companies losing money. Fuck everything about this.
You’re not gonna get many linux users respecting your opinion on tech if youre such an outlier. Windows 7? Cmon, ya gotta expect to get pushback on this right? Not just Linux nerds either… like Who do you tell this bombshell to and they’re like “yeah ok that’s normal?”