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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Alexa was never supposed to make money by itself. It was supposed to do two things, collect information and lower the barrier to buying things.

    They must have either collected enough data to lower the value of collecting any more, or they have realized that people got over the novelty of asking Alexa to order more dog food.

    My guess is the latter, because buying anything from Amazon now requires 15 minutes of research to make sure it’s actually what you want and not at some ridiculous marked up price. I wouldn’t trust Alexa to pick the best result on the first try.

  • Most LEDs run on DC, and the built-in transformer is the most likely component to fail. If the LED is failing and getting dimmer, it’s most likely due to poor heat dissipation.

    If we had little 12v adapters and separate LED modules, you could reduce waste by only replacing the part that fails, and manufacturers would have greater incentive to improve build quality. Instead, we get cheaply manufactured bulb-shaped disposable units that need to be thrown away when one part fails.

  • But that’s the problem. Early adopters are starting to see the performance drops and are just replacing their equipment, and we don’t have a proper reuse pathway for a lot of it. We should prepare a plan for panel (and battery) repurposing to keep plastic and metals out of landfills. Recycling alone isn’t enough.

    Again, not a reason not to produce or adopt solar power and electric cars, but it is a legitimate second-level concern.

    That’s the tricky part with dismissing these concerns outright. Conservatives are not arguing in good faith, and take a kernel of truth surrounded by a mountain of bullshit. We don’t want to overcorrect and ignore the problems, because that just fuels the bullshit arguments.

  • Are you asking me what I would do given the keys to the nuclear arsenal? Or are you asking me what the current state of geopolitical affairs?

    We won’t win an economic trade war with China. China isn’t the Soviet Union. We might win an actual war, but it would be the largest war ever fought on earth. China isn’t Russia.

    I don’t want anyone mining lithium unless we can do it without destroying the planet where we live. I’d gladly trade my cell phone for universal human rights and clean water for my grandkids. But that ain’t a button on my console.

    Oregon is in the United States, a country where people expect life, liberty, and the pursuit of a jetski. The CCP treats its citizens like wheat for the thresher, and has zero qualms about turning some land into wasteland. Economically, you can’t compete with that. If you want to place tariffs on Chinese lithium, let’s do it. But we need to actually produce it here, and we have to be OK with the full, long-term cost of mining and manufacturing it, safely and cleanly.

    Unless we do that, there’s not much sense in acting like we’re better than China. We just have a national NIMBY attitude, happily outsourcing our climate disasters and human rights abuses so we don’t have to see it first hand.