I see. I watched some video on it a ong time ago so I don’t recall the details. I’m sure you can find something.
I see. I watched some video on it a ong time ago so I don’t recall the details. I’m sure you can find something.
The Elders of the Internet know who I am??
A fire, at Sea Parks?
Thanks for bringing context to this!
I have no idea what it actually means. When on an exchange program many years ago, a drunken Finn taught me that
Im rauch des orgasmus
But is it stroganoff to beat the challenge?
This is so freaking funny, thanks for sharing
Most recent RPG game from Bethesda. This studio got very famous for their Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, hence the widespread hype.
Freaking hilarious, love these!!
Memes with good messages are the best.
For anyone interested to learn more about soil I recommend the Documentary “Kiss The Ground”
Tell me Sempai Shitposter, do my shitposts increase in potency if posted from the toillet while shitting?
From what I can remember, the simbolism is stronger in the first movie and not so much on the other two. I recall two key things that can simbolize the struggle trans people go through or are references to transgenderism.
I’m sure there’s more but it’s been a while since I came across the analysis.
Worth noting that when I watched the movies I never made an association with transgenderism. I think in great part because I was not even aware of it.