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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • I hate ASUS. Used to be way in on them – well not way but relatively. I had the ASUS ROG Phone. The screen unfortunately broke and needed to be sent into service. More unfortunate, it was just about 1 month out of warranty.

    So I get it set up to send it. ASUS charges me $300 for the phone screen replacement. It took over 8 months for them to get it back to me. When the phone finally did arrive, the RGB lighting didn’t work, the NFC didn’t work, and the screen itself had an orange hue in the upper right corner. To boot, it would only connect to AES Wi-Fi networks, so I can’t even use it without a SIM card because who the fuck uses AES. They didn’t even fucking fix it properly. I never got responses, sending e-mails for months after it was finally returned to me.

    Now, in this time I was really patient. I was using a temporary phone. Around month 5, I just needed a new phone and was looking into the newly released ROG Phone 2. I figured the ROG 1 would still get plenty of usage as a spare device. Well I had the ROG 2 until AT&T decided that the phone didn’t have the supported bands anymore, so my >1 year old phone is now as effective as an iPod 3g. Just 6 months later, screen itself just died, no fall, no nothing. I can use SCRCPY to use it, the screen just doesn’t work. I really, really tried to give them a shot and the benefit of the doubt.

    Now, in between these ~2 years I’d accumulated a few accessories for the phones, keycaps and backpacks. Just little things – ngl, the bag and the keycaps are still really good quality. I also decided to upgrade my PC, and was looking at a nice new motherboard to rebuild my existing PC with.

    So I get the ASUS B550 or something like that. Stupidly bought it from Newegg, first time. The motherboard arrives and upon building the computer I just cannot get it to POST. I reach out to the 2 likely culprits, the PSU and the MoBo. EVGA sends me an entirely new PSU, free of charge, and tells me not to bother shipping it back. ASUS on the other hand would not accept that the motherboard could have been the point of failure! And when I FINALLY was able to fully prove that every single component in the board works EXCEPT the MoBo, they told me to take it up with where I purchased it from, Newegg. So I would get to pay some ~20% restocking fee on a broken motherboard, instead of the manufacturr just replacing a defective board. Oh, the best part? The motherboards USB-3.0 header was broken, came right off when trying to plug it in. No wonder it wouldn’t POST.

    Fuck you, ASUS. Fuck your shitty warranty, your awful customer support, your horrible treatment of customers who put their trust into you. I will never support ASUS again and I will always vehemently suggest anyone else. It’s really, really simple to be a good OEM, all it takes is replacing things that break. ASUS treats every single customer like a scammer who is trying to get free stuff out of them, which IMO just goes to show that’s exactly the mindset ASUS has as well.

    I still have the motherboard btw. If anyone knows how to repair a USB-3.0 header I’ll either be glad to be guided through a repair or I’ll just send it to you for cost of shipping. It’s just going to sit in my garage otherwise.

  • CW, an image example of the content described in this thread. Hateful content. Linking to a comment of mine where I post a screenshot. My spoilers are iffy on mobile so for now please consider this link a spoiler tag for the CW


    This was shown to me on my personal Instagram, my partner is heavily involved in our queer community. I was shocked when I saw this post on Instagram, then I saw it was from Threads. Way to fucking validate my position about every reason I’ve been giving to defederated from Threads.

    I was searching for hours today for somewhere to post this. I ended up finding just a random community with a somewhat relevant post just to get it off my chest since there’s nothing to really do about it. But thank you for this post, I only hope that this is the push people on the fence need to realize that Meta shouldn’t be embraced.

    It’s sickening. I’m so sorry for everyone who is just looking for a place to express themselves as they are, now on the verge of being hoarded by these type of people.

    On an aside but regarding Threads federation - are people’s smaller servers even equipped to be able to handle the potential traffic of Threads users? Or would it not work like that? Like, if a link to my comment above for example were posted on threads and it blew up and 25m people were trying to view it… Wouldn’t that effectively DDoS my instance if it’s not able to handle that kind of traffic?

    And threads is supposed to be a good thing somehow. Psh.

  • Beehaw does the same. I’m not sure if that’s been the case in our instance. I don’t inherently disagree, but I’m not 100% sold either.

    If there’s a clearly bad/misinformed/rude take, they simply don’t get voted on. They rarely have more than the single 1 vote of their terrible opinion/sharing.

    It’s common to see +10 to +30 on a positive comment, with the comment it’s responding to at 1.

    I don’t disagree that it could be a bad thing, but I think it’s about the community and its practice surrounding it as well. So far in my experience on the instance I participate in I’ve seen it be effective.

    Also I’m not sure if this is a thing on Lemmy but on reddit there were downvote farmers. Downvoting could also actually encourage people to perform these terrible comments to accumulate as many downvotes as they can. Downvoting disabled removed this problem in its entirety. Reddit has this issue long before some of its other problems and it has only grown since, up til I left. I don’t know what the state of it is now, and I’m not sure how big of an issue it even is on Lemmy. It comes down to finding the line between what is preferable.

    All in all, I think there are good and bad things about not having a downvote. I do think downvote disabled helps some aspects (engagement, active/trending posts) but it could also negatively influence federated content (spam, bad actors). I don’t think a comment being at -30 is any more telling than the same comment at 1 when it’s surrounded by +30 upvoted comments. However, if someone actively sought out getting downvoted, that can no longer exist.

    IMO trading having bad comments be visibly negative in order to prevent the downvote farmers is a reasonable exchange